Vuln: NTP CVE-2016-9042 Denial of Service Vulnerability

Bugtraq ID: 97046
Class: Failure to Handle Exceptional Conditions
CVE: CVE-2016-9042

Remote: Yes
Local: No
Published: Mar 21 2017 12:00AM
Credit: Matthew Van Gundy of Cisco.
Vulnerable: Redhat Enterprise Linux 7
Redhat Enterprise Linux 6
+ Trustix Secure Enterprise Linux 2.0
+ Trustix Secure Linux 2.2
+ Trustix Secure Linux 2.1
+ Trustix Secure Linux 2.0
Redhat Enterprise Linux 5
NTP NTP 4.2.8p9

Not Vulnerable: NTP NTP 4.2.8p10


NTP CVE-2016-9042 Denial of Service Vulnerability

NTP is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability.

An attacker can exploit this issue to cause a denial-of-service condition, denying service to legitimate users.


NTP CVE-2016-9042 Denial of Service Vulnerability

Currently, we are not aware of any working exploits. If you feel we are in error or if you are aware of more recent information, please mail us at: [email protected].


NTP CVE-2016-9042 Denial of Service Vulnerability


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