Google Android CVE-2016-8399 Remote Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

Google Android is prone to a remote privilege-escalation vulnerability.

Attackers can exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges within the context of the kernel.

This issue is being tracked by Android Bug ID A-31349935.


Bugtraq ID: 94708
Class: Design Error
CVE: CVE-2016-8399

Remote: Yes
Local: No
Published: Dec 05 2016 12:00AM
Credit: Qidan He(@flanker_hqd) of KeenLab, Tencent.
Vulnerable: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP 12
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 LTSS
SuSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12
SuSE Linux Enterprise Debuginfo 11 SP2
Redhat Enterprise Linux Workstation Optional 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux Workstation 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux Server Optional 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux Server 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux HPC Node Optional 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux HPC Node 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux Desktop Optional 6
Redhat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.2
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6
Google Pixel XL 0
Google Pixel C 0
Google Pixel 0
Google Nexus 9
Google Nexus 6P
Google Nexus 6
Google Nexus 5X
Google Android One 0

Not Vulnerable:

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