SaltStack Salt CVE-2017-8109 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability

SaltStack Salt is prone to a local information-disclosure vulnerability.

Attackers can exploit this issue to obtain sensitive information that may aid in launching further attacks.

Versions prior to SaltStack Salt 2016.11.4 are vulnerable.


Bugtraq ID: 98095
Class: Design Error
CVE: CVE-2017-8109

Remote: No
Local: Yes
Published: Apr 25 2017 12:00AM
Updated: Apr 25 2017 12:00AM
Credit: Andreas Stieger
Vulnerable: SaltStack Salt 2015.8.8
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.7
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.6
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.5
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.4
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.3
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.2
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.1
SaltStack Salt 2015.8
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.10
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.9
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.8
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.7
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.6
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.5
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.4
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.3
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.2
SaltStack Salt 2015.5.1
SaltStack Salt 2015.5
SaltStack Salt 2014.1.10
SaltStack Salt 2015.8.11
SaltStack Salt 2014.1.9

Not Vulnerable: SaltStack Salt 2016.11.4


Currently, we are not aware of any working exploits. If you feel we are in error or if you are aware of more recent information, please mail us at: http://.

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