EDB-ID: 44662 | Author: L0RD | Published: 2018-05-21 | CVE: N/A | Type: Webapps | Platform: PHP | Vulnerable App: N/A | # Date: 2018-05-20
# Exploit Author: Borna nematzadeh (L0RD)
# Vendor Homepage: https://codecanyon.net/item/private-message-php-script/21027192?s_rank=1
# Version: 2.0
# Tested on: Windows
# Description :
Private Message PHP Script 2.0 suffers from persistent cross site scripting.
You can put your malicious javascript payload .
When target opens your massege , payload will be executed before self destruction .
# POC :
1) Put this payload into textarea and click submit :
2) You will get a link which your javascript code is inside this link . You can send this link to anyone .
3) After clicking on "show me the message" , payload will be executed .