EDB-ID: 44626 | Author: t4rkd3vilz | Published: 2018-05-16 | CVE: CVE-2016-2279 | Type: Webapps | Platform: Windows | Vulnerable App: N/A | # Date: 2018-05-16
# Exploit Author: t4rkd3vilz
# Vendor Homepage: https://rockwellautomation.com/
# Software Link: http://compatibility.rockwellautomation.com/Pages/MultiProductDownload.aspx?famID=4
# Version: 1769-L16ER-BB1B, Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L18ER-BB1B, Version 27.011 and earlier,
# 1769-L18ERM-BB1B, Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L24ER-QB1B,
# Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L24ER-QBFC1B
# Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B, Version 27.011 and earlier
# 1769-L30ER Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L30ERM, Version 27.011 and earlier,
# 1769-L30ER-NSE, Version 27.011 and earlier
# 1769-L33ER Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L33ERM, Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L36ERM, Version 27.011 and earlier, 1769-L23E-QB1B, Version 20.018 and earlier (Will be discontinued June 2016), and 1769-L23E-QBFC1B, Version 20.018 and earlier (Will be discontinued June 2016).
# Tested on: Windows Machine and Chrome,Firefox explorer
# CVE : CVE-2016-2279
# PoC