Multiple Consona products suffered from a password reset security bypass vulnerability.
8 years ago, I discovered this vulnerability, CVE-2010-1910, and now, you
can see the details.
The login page, "/sdcxuser/asp/login.asp", had a commented access to the
page that allowed to change the password of any user, with a link with text
"Forgot your password".
The link that had the vulnerability was: "/adccommonn/asp/forgotpass.asp".
You could enter any username and password without being authenticated and
change it, administrator or any other user.
# Exploit Title: Multiple Consona Products Password Reset Security Bypass
# Date: 22-03-2010
# Exploit Author: Rafael Pedrero
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: Consona Consona Subscriber Assistance, Consona Consona Live
Assistance, Consona Consona Dynamic Agent
# Tested on: all
# CVE : CVE-2010-1910
# Category: webapps
1. Description
The Forgot Password implementation in Consona Live Assistance, Dynamic
Agent, and Subscriber Assistance allows remote attackers to reset passwords
of accounts with blank Hint questions and Hint answers by sending an empty
value for each of these two Hint fields.
2. Proof of Concept
Enter any username and password without being authenticated and change it,
it's not necessary to know the current one since it's not used.
3. Solution:
The vendor has released updates. See