TufinOS version 2.1.7 build 1193 suffers from an XML external entity injection vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: TufinOS 2.17 Build 1193 - XML External Entity Injection
# Exploit Author: konstantinos Alexiou
# Date: 2018-10-18
# Vendor: https://www.tufin.com
# Software Link: https://www.tufin.com/tufin-orchestration-suite/securetrack
# CVE: N/A
# Category: webapps
# 1. Description
# The SecureTrack application is vulnerable to XML External Entity injection.
# This attack is considered quite serious and can be used to:
# (1) Retrieve confidential data
# (2) Perform denial of service
# (3) Execute server side request forgery attacks
# (4) Perform port scanning through the machine on other systems
# The issue was identified inside the "Audit" > "Best Practices" module of the "SecureTrack"
# application when creating a new Best Practices query and manipulating the "xml" parameter
# in the request. When the vulnerability is triggered it doesn't directly return anything
# to the attacker but rather the contents of the requested file are written inside
# the name field of a best practices. This vulnerability affects every "SecureTrack"
# application authentication user role.
# 2. Proof of Concept
# Step 1: Login to the "SecureTrack" application using any user and then navigate to
# "Audit" > "Best Practices".
# Step 2: Create and submit a "New Query" while intercepting the traffic:
# Step 3: Send the request to repeater and change it to include the following
# payload after the "xml=" input field:
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY AAAA SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd"> ]>
# The payload should be URL encoded before delivered to the application
# Step 4: Submit the request to the server.
# Step 5: Refresh your browser to view the new Best Practice that was created. The following image
# displays that the request was successfully processed by the server and a new Best Practice was
# created. The contents of the requested file "/etc/passwd" is saved as the name of the "Best Practice query".
# 3. Solution:
# Reconfigure the XML processor to use a local static DTD and disallow any declared DTD included in
# the XML document. Another solution is to explicitly disable External XML Entities in the parser of
# the application.