Multiple PSI GridConnect GmbH Products CVE-2019-6528 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

Multiple PSI GridConnect GmbH Products are prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability because it fails to sanitize user-supplied input.

An attacker may leverage this issue to execute arbitrary script code in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may allow the attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch other attacks.
The following products are affected:
Telecontrol Gateway 3G 4.2.21, 5.0.27, 5.1.19, 6.0.16 and prior
Telecontrol Gateway XS-MU 4.2.21, 5.0.27, 5.1.19, 6.0.16 and prior
Telecontrol Gateway VM 4.2.21, 5.0.27, 5.1.19, 6.0.16 and prior
Smart Telecontrol Unit TCG 5.0.27, 5.1.19, 6.0.16 and prior
IEC104 Security Proxy 2.2.10 and prior


Bugtraq ID: 107201
Class: Input Validation Error
CVE: CVE-2019-6528

Remote: Yes
Local: No
Published: Feb 28 2019 12:00AM
Updated: Feb 28 2019 12:00AM
Credit: M. Can Kurnaz
Vulnerable: PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway XS-MU 5.1.19
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway XS-MU 5.0.27
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway XS-MU 4.2.21
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway VM 6.0.16
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway VM 5.1.19
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway VM 5.0.27
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway VM 4.2.21
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 6.0.16
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 5.1.19
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 5.0.27
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 4.2.21
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 0
PSI GridConnect GmbH Smart Telecontrol Unit TCG 6.0.16
PSI GridConnect GmbH Smart Telecontrol Unit TCG 5.1.19
PSI GridConnect GmbH Smart Telecontrol Unit TCG 5.0.27
PSI GridConnect GmbH IEC104 Security Proxy 2.2.10

Not Vulnerable: PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway XS-MU 6.0.17
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway XS-MU 5.1.20
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway VM 6.0.17
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway VM 5.1.20
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 6.0.17
PSI GridConnect GmbH Telecontrol Gateway 3G 5.1.20
PSI GridConnect GmbH Smart Telecontrol Unit TCG 6.0.17
PSI GridConnect GmbH Smart Telecontrol Unit TCG 5.1.20
PSI GridConnect GmbH IEC104 Security Proxy 2.2.11


An attacker can exploit this issue by enticing an unsuspecting user into visiting a specially crafted URL.

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