AVE DOMINAplus 1.10.x Unauthenticated Remote Reboot

AVE DOMINAplus versions 1.10.x and below suffer from an unauthenticated remote reboot vulnerability.

MD5 | 70f9df15a086d45c69183bd680a64058

AVE DOMINAplus <=1.10.x Unauthenticated Remote Reboot

Vendor: AVE S.p.A.
Product web page: https://www.ave.it | https://www.domoticaplus.it
Affected version: Web Server Code 53AB-WBS - 1.10.62
Touch Screen Code TS01 - 1.0.65
Touch Screen Code TS03x-V | TS04X-V - 1.10.45a
Touch Screen Code TS05 - 1.10.36
Models: 53AB-WBS
App version: 1.10.77
App version: 1.10.65
App version: 1.10.64
App version: 1.10.62
App version: 1.10.60
App version: 1.10.52
App version: 1.10.52A
App version: 1.10.49
App version: 1.10.46
App version: 1.10.45
App version: 1.10.44
App version: 1.10.35
App version: 1.10.25
App version: 1.10.22
App version: 1.10.11
App version: 1.8.4
App version: TS1-1.0.65
App version: TS1-1.0.62
App version: TS1-1.0.44
App version: TS1-1.0.10
App version: TS1-1.0.9

Summary: DOMINAplus - Sistema Domotica Avanzato. Advanced Home Automation System.
Designed to revolutionize your concept of living. DOMINA plus is the AVE home
automation proposal that makes houses safer, more welcoming and optimized. In
fact, our home automation system introduces cutting-edge technologies, designed
to improve people's lifestyle. DOMINA plus increases comfort, the level of safety
and security and offers advanced supervision tools in order to learn how to
evaluate and reduce consumption through various solutions dedicated to energy

Desc: The application suffers from an unauthenticated reboot command execution.
Attackers can exploit this issue to cause a denial of service scenario.

Tested on: GNU/Linux 4.1.19-armv7-x7
GNU/Linux 3.8.13-bone50/bone71.1/bone86
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic

Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5548
Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5548.php



curl -sk >/dev/null

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