Programi Bilanc Build 007 Release 014 31.01.2020 Hardcoded Credentials

Programi Bilanc build 007 release 014 31.01.2020 supplies an .exe file containing several hardcoded credentials to different servers that allow remote attackers to gain access to the complete infrastructure including the website, update server, and external issue tracking tools.

MD5 | 391599f66b9489a0327befd62c653dd2

Programi Bilanc - Build 007 Release 014 31.01.2020 - Broken encryption with guessable static encryption key







Balanc Shpk (



Programi Bilanc

Affected versions


- Programi Bilanc - Build 007 Release 014 31.01.2020 and possibly below



Georg Ph E Heise (@gpheheise) / Lufthansa Industry Solutions (@LHIND_DLH)

Vulnerability summary


Programi Bilanc Build 007 Release 014 31.01.2020 supplies a .exe file containing several hardcoded credentials to different servers that allow remote attackers to gain access to the complete infrastructure including the website, update server, and external issue tracking tools.

Technical details


To exploit this vulnerability an attack has to gain access to the Windows .exe

Proof of concept





Don’t use the software in its current version & contact vendor for a solution



Date| Status


01–APR-2020 | Reported to vendor

30-JUN-2020 | End of 90 days Full Disclosure Time

17-DEZ-2020 | FULL disclosure

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