Linux/x86 custom shellcode ASCII And-Sub encoder.
* Title: Linux/x86 - Custom Shellcode ASCII And-Sub Encoder
* Date: 29.03.2021
* Author: Xenofon Vassilakopoulos
* github :
* gcc -m32 sub.c -o sub
* Usage : ./sub -s \x41\xff\x41\x41 -b \x0a\x0d\x2f\x3a\x3f\x40\x80\x81\x82
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define KNRM "\x1B[0m"
#define KRED "\x1B[31m"
#define KGRN "\x1B[32m"
#define KYEL "\x1B[33m"
#define KBLU "\x1B[34m"
#define KMAG "\x1B[35m"
#define KCYN "\x1B[36m"
#define KWHT "\x1B[37m"
#define RESET "\x1B[0m"
#define ZEROVAL 0x0
char *hexToStrip(char *shellcode, size_t si)
size_t s = strlen(shellcode);
char *buf = (char*)malloc((s + 1) * sizeof(shellcode)*2);
char *stringToStrip = (char*)malloc((s + 1) * sizeof(shellcode)*2);
size_t stringLen = strlen(stringToStrip);
unsigned int i,j = 0;
char currentChar;
for (j = 0; j<stringLen+1; j++) {
currentChar = stringToStrip[j];
if (currentChar != '\\' && currentChar != 'x')
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),"%c",currentChar);
return buf;
unsigned char *hexTochar(char *shellcode) {
char *end;
unsigned long int j = strtol(shellcode, &end, 16);
char* str = (char*)calloc(strlen(shellcode), sizeof(char*));
int i=0;
for ( ;; ) {
sprintf(str + i * sizeof(char),"%c", (int)j);
j = strtol(end, &end, 16);
if (j == 0)
return str;
char *strrev(char *str)
if (!str || ! *str)
return str;
int i = strlen(str) - 1, j = 0;
char ch;
while (i > j)
ch = str[i];
str[i] = str[j];
str[j] = ch;
return str;
unsigned char* toCharByte(char *byte, size_t bytelen)
if (byte == NULL || !strcmp(byte, ""))
return NULL;
size_t k,len = bytelen;
char cbyte[len];
strcpy(cbyte, byte);
// allocate the 1/3 of the total char size
unsigned char* str = (unsigned char*)calloc(len / 3, sizeof(str));
unsigned char* chr = (unsigned char*)calloc(len / 3 , sizeof(chr));
char* alpha = (char*)malloc((len / 3) * sizeof(alpha));
char *ch = strtok(cbyte, "\\x");
while(ch != NULL)
sprintf(alpha + strlen(alpha), "%s", ch );
ch = strtok(NULL, "\\x");
for(k=0; alpha[k]!='\0'; k+=2)
sprintf(str + strlen(str), "%c%c ", alpha[k], alpha[k+1]);
chr = hexTochar(str);
return chr;
char *charTohex(char *shellcode, size_t si)
char *chr = (char*)calloc(si+1 , sizeof(shellcode)*2);
int l;
for (l=0; l<si; l++) {
sprintf(chr + strlen(chr),"\\x%02x", (unsigned char)(int)shellcode[l]);
return chr;
void nasm_banner()
; . ,
; .c. ;.
; .. .. . ..,;clc;x'.l
; 'kkoldxl;:o. ,ldkkkkkld:
; ,oxkkllkkk:. .dkkkkkxkkkkkl.
; ;kkkkkkkko,. .xkkkk:. .ckkkcx.
; ,ko,;dkkk:. ,;kkkx ;kklo:
; . ckkko. :kkkk. ,kkkkk,
; .xkkc; ckkkk; .;cokkkd.
; okkk,.ckkkkk' , .:kk.
; xkkxc ,odkkkk:. .l'. ;:
; .kkko; c.okkkkkxookkxo.
; :kkkd. .,:lkkkkkkkkkl:d,..
; .:. ''. xkkdl ..:dkkkkkklxkkkkkkk,
; ccod:,. .kkk;' .xkkkxdkkk,.kkkxdxkl
; .xkkkkko..kkk. .xkkko..xkkd ';. .,.
; lkkkkkkk:.kkk. ;ckkx. ckkk. ... c.
; ;lkk..lkkd,kkk. .kkko ;kkk. .;dcd.
; :dkk. 'kkx.okkl ,kkkk. :kkk.'dkkkkd.
; .xkc. ;kkk''kkk, 'kkkkx. okkk.:kkdckko.
; lk' .xkko. lkkk:..dlkkkx,kkkx.kkk. okd:
; .: ,kkx, .okkkd';.dkkkkkkkd.kkk. 'cxk,
; ;kkd .ckkkkd:;kkkkkkkl.kkk; .oc
; ,kkk. ,kkkkkkkkkkkkk, ldkk. ..
; .xkkx;. :kkkkkkkkkkkk. .:kk,
; ,kkkkkdl:;okkkkkkkkkkk; lkk.
; ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkko.';dkkc
; .lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkko.
; .,. :xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd.
printf("; Author: Xenofon Vassilakopoulos \n; @xvass \n; Version 1.0");
void banner()
printf("%s", KYEL);
printf( R"EOF(
. ,
.c. ;.
.. .. . ..,;clc;x'.l
'kkoldxl;:o. ,ldkkkkkld:
,oxkkllkkk:. .dkkkkkxkkkkkl.
;kkkkkkkko,. .xkkkk:. .ckkkcx.
,ko,;dkkk:. ,;kkkx ;kklo:
. ckkko. :kkkk. ,kkkkk,
.xkkc; ckkkk; .;cokkkd.
okkk,.ckkkkk' , .:kk.
xkkxc ,odkkkk:. .l'. ;:
.kkko; c.okkkkkxookkxo.
:kkkd. .,:lkkkkkkkkkl:d,..
.:. ''. xkkdl ..:dkkkkkklxkkkkkkk,
ccod:,. .kkk;' .xkkkxdkkk,.kkkxdxkl
.xkkkkko..kkk. .xkkko..xkkd ';. .,.
lkkkkkkk:.kkk. ;ckkx. ckkk. ... c.
;lkk..lkkd,kkk. .kkko ;kkk. .;dcd.
:dkk. 'kkx.okkl ,kkkk. :kkk.'dkkkkd.
.xkc. ;kkk''kkk, 'kkkkx. okkk.:kkdckko.
lk' .xkko. lkkk:..dlkkkx,kkkx.kkk. okd:
.: ,kkx, .okkkd';.dkkkkkkkd.kkk. 'cxk,
;kkd .ckkkkd:;kkkkkkkl.kkk; .oc
,kkk. ,kkkkkkkkkkkkk, ldkk. ..
.xkkx;. :kkkkkkkkkkkk. .:kk,
,kkkkkdl:;okkkkkkkkkkk; lkk.
.,. :xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd.
printf("%s", KCYN);
printf("Ascii Subtraction Encoder\n");
printf("Author: Xenofon Vassilakopoulos \n@xvass \nVersion 1.0");
printf("%s\n\n", RESET);
unsigned char* concat(unsigned char* dest, size_t dest_size, unsigned char* src, size_t src_size) {
unsigned char* concat = realloc(dest, dest_size + src_size);
memcpy(concat + dest_size, src, src_size);
return concat;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if ( argc < 2 || argc < 3 || argc < 4 || argc < 5 )
printf("%s", KRED);
printf("[!] Usage: ./and-sub -s <shellcode> -b <badchars>");
printf("%s", RESET);
printf("\n\nArgs: \n\t [-s] The shellcode to encode \n\t [-j] Encode a long jump \n\t [-b] The bad characters to filter out \n\n");
return 1;
if ( ( ( strncmp(argv[1],"-s",2) != 0) && (strncmp(argv[1], "-j",2) != 0) ) || strncmp(argv[3],"-b",2) != 0 )
printf("%s", KRED);
printf("\n\n[x] Error: Provide a valid option. \n\n[!] Usage: ./and-sub -s <shellcode> -b <badchars>\n\nArgs: \n\t [-s] The shellcode to encoded \n\t [-j] encode a long jump \n\t [-b] The bad characters to filter out \n\n");
printf("%s", RESET);
return 1;
--- Check if the provided shellcode is divisible by 4 ---
unsigned char *divisible = toCharByte(argv[2], strlen(argv[2])*2);
size_t si = strlen(divisible);
char *chr = charTohex(divisible, si);
size_t calc = strlen(chr) / 4;
int divres = calc % 4;
if ( divres != 0)
printf("\n[x] The shellcode is not divisible by 4. PLease add extra padding and try again\n\n");
printf("%s", RESET);
return 0;
unsigned char *badchars = toCharByte(argv[4], strlen(argv[4]));
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
---Find bytes zeroing out the registers---
unsigned char *subres = "\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb" ;
unsigned char *buff = (char*)malloc(sizeof(subres)*2);
unsigned char *b = (char*)malloc(sizeof(subres)*2);
unsigned char *b2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(subres)*2);
unsigned char *buf_bytes = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char*));
char *push = (char*)malloc(sizeof(push)*2);
char *pop_esp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(pop_esp)*2);
char *pop = (char*)malloc(sizeof(pop)*2);
char *sub_ = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
char *and = (char*)malloc(sizeof(and)*2);
for ( int h = 0; h < 4; h++)
// These are some good chars - change this to make it relevant to your environment
// Provide only bytes used to zero out the register in the AND process
unsigned char nobadchars[] = "\x25\x2a\x2d\x31\x32\x35\x4a\x4d\x4e\x50\x51\x52\x53\x55\x5c";
int co = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(nobadchars)+1; i++)
for ( int j=0; j<strlen(badchars); j++)
if ( nobadchars[i] == badchars[j] )
memcpy(&buf_bytes[co], (unsigned char *)&nobadchars[i], sizeof(nobadchars[i]));
unsigned char _25_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _2a_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _2d_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _31_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _32_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _35_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _4a_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _4d_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _4e_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _50_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _55_[] = "\xbb";
unsigned char _5c_[] = "\xbb";
if ( *buf_bytes == '\0' )
_2a_[0] = '\x2a';
_50_[0] = '\x50';
for ( int o = 0; o < strlen(buf_bytes); o++)
if( (int)buf_bytes[o] != 37 )
_25_[0] = '\x25' ;
if( (int)buf_bytes[o] != 42 )
_2a_[0] = '\x2a';
if( (int)buf_bytes[o] != 45 )
_2d_[0] = '\x2d';
if( (int)buf_bytes[o] != 49 )
_31_[0] = '\x31';
if( (int)buf_bytes[o] != 50 )
_32_[0] = '\x32';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 53 )
_35_[0] = '\x35';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 74 )
_4a_[0] = '\x4a';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 77 )
_4d_[0] = '\x4d';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 78 )
_4e_[0] = '\x4e';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 80 )
_50_[0] = '\x50';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 85 )
_55_[0] = '\x55';
if((int)buf_bytes[o] != 92 )
_5c_[0] = '\x5c';
if ( *buf_bytes == '\0' )
push = "push eax" ;
pop = "pop eax";
pop_esp = "pop esp";
sub_ = "eax";
and = "and eax";
if ( ( _50_[0] & _2a_[0] ) == 0 )
b[h] = _2a_[0];
b2[h] = _50_[0];
else if ( ( (int)_50_[0] == 80 && (int)_2a_[0] == 42 ) )
push = "push eax" ;
pop = "pop eax";
pop_esp = "pop esp";
sub_ = "eax";
and = "and eax";
if ( ( _50_[0] & _2a_[0] ) == 0 )
b[h] = _2a_[0];
b2[h] = _50_[0];
else if ( (int)_55_[0] !=187 && (int)_2a_[0] != 187 )
push = "push ebp";
pop = "pop ebp";
pop_esp = "pop esp";
sub_ = "ebp";
and = "and ebp";
if ( ( _55_[0] & _2a_[0] ) == 0 )
b[h] = _2a_[0];
b2[h] = _55_[0];
else if ( (int)_50_[0] != 187 && (int)_25_[0] != 187 )
push = "push eax" ;
pop = "pop eax";
pop_esp = "pop esp";
sub_ = "eax";
and = "and eax";
if ( ( _50_[0] & _25_[0] ) == 0 )
b[h] = _25_[0];
b2[h] = _50_[0];
char *chrbyte1 = charTohex(b2, strlen(b2));
char *chrstrip = hexToStrip(chrbyte1, strlen(chrbyte1));
char *chrbyte2 = charTohex(b, strlen(b));
char *chrstrip2 = hexToStrip(chrbyte2, strlen(chrbyte2));
unsigned char *shellcode;
unsigned char *shell ;
shellcode = toCharByte(argv[2], strlen(argv[2]));
char *shellcode3 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(shellcode3)*2);
int k = 0;
int l = 0;
int str_size = strlen(shellcode)-1;
char *shellcode2=(char*)malloc(sizeof(shellcode)*2);
char *reverse = strrev(shellcode);
unsigned char *hex = charTohex(reverse, str_size+1);
for (int i=0; i<(strlen(hex)*2); i++) {
k = i % 17;
if (k != 0)
shellcode2[i] = hex[l];
shellcode2[i] = shellcode3[0];
int tokens = 0;
int i = 0;
unsigned char **res = NULL;
res = malloc(sizeof(**res));
size_t shellsize = strlen(shellcode2);
unsigned char *token = strtok(shellcode2, ",");
unsigned char **ptr;
size_t shellcode_len = (size_t)sizeof(token);
if ( shellcode_len == 0 || shellcode_len > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char) )
errno = ENOMEM;
printf("Allocation Error", errno);
return 0;
for (tokens = 1; token; ++tokens) {
ptr = realloc(res, tokens * sizeof(*res));
res = ptr;
res[tokens - 1] = malloc(strlen(token) + 1);
strncpy(res[tokens - 1], token, strlen(token) + 1);
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("global _start\n");
printf("section .text\n\n");
size_t counter=strlen(*res)-1;
if( ( (shellsize/4)-2) < 32 )
counter = (strlen(*res)/2)-1;
for ( int k=0; k<counter; k++ )
if (res[k] == NULL)
return 0;
size_t ressize= sizeof(res[k]);
if ( ressize == 0 || ressize > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char) )
errno = ENOMEM;
printf("Allocation Error", errno);
return 0;
unsigned char *tohex = toCharByte(res[k], ressize);
unsigned char *shellcode4=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(shellcode)*2);
memset( shellcode4, '\0', sizeof(shellcode4)*2);
unsigned char *shellcode5=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(shellcode)*2);
memset( shellcode5, '\0', sizeof(shellcode5)*2);
unsigned char *ffff=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(shellcode)*2);
memset(ffff , '\0', sizeof(ffff)*2);
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(shellcode)*2; i++) {
memcpy(&shellcode4[i],(unsigned char*)&tohex[i], sizeof(tohex[i])*2);
for (int i=0; i<(sizeof(shellcode4)*2); i++)
if ( i != 3 )
shellcode5[i] = ZEROVAL - tohex[i] - 1 & 0xff ;
memcpy(&ffff[i], (unsigned char*)&shellcode5[i], sizeof(shellcode5[i])*2);
shellcode5[i] = ZEROVAL - tohex[i] & 0xff ;
memcpy(&ffff[i], (unsigned char *)&shellcode5[i], sizeof(shellcode5[i])*2);
unsigned char *buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(shellcode)*2);
unsigned char *sub=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(sub));
memset(sub , '\0', sizeof(sub));
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(ffff)*2; i++) {
memcpy(&sub[i],(unsigned char*)&ffff[i], sizeof(ffff[i])*2);
unsigned char *first=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(ffff)*2);
memset(first , '\0', sizeof(ffff)*2);
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(ffff)*2; i++) {
memcpy(&first[i],(unsigned char*)&ffff[i], sizeof(ffff[i])*2);
unsigned char *second=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(ffff)*2);
memset(second, '\0', sizeof(ffff)*2);
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(ffff)*2; i++) {
memcpy(&second[i],(unsigned char*)&ffff[i], sizeof(ffff[i])*2);
unsigned char *third=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(ffff)*2);
memset(third, '\0', sizeof(ffff)*2);
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(ffff)*2; i++) {
memcpy(&third[i],(unsigned char*)&ffff[i], sizeof(ffff[i])*2);
// placeholder
unsigned char rp[] = "\xbb";
bool found = false ;
bool bad = true;
int count = 0;
int l = 1;
bool t = false;
for (int i=0; i<(sizeof(ffff)); i++)
int j = 0;
count = 0;
bad = true;
while (1)
if ( j == 4 )
buffer[0] = rand() & 0xff;
for (int o = 0; o<=strlen(badchars); o++)
if ( buffer[0] == badchars[o] )
count = count + 1;
goto start;
if (count != 0)
bad = false;
memcpy(&rp[0],(unsigned char*)&buffer[0],sizeof(buffer[0]));
bad = true;
count = 0;
if ( ((int)ffff[i] > (int)rp[0]) || ((int)ffff[i] == 0) && bad == false)
sub[0] = rp[0] & 0xff;
buffer[1] = rand() & 0xff;
for (int o = 0; o<=strlen(badchars); o++)
if ( buffer[1] == badchars[o] )
count = count + 1;
goto start1;
if (count != 0)
bad = false;
memcpy(&rp[0],(unsigned char*)&buffer[1],sizeof(buffer[1]));
bad = true;
count = 0;
if ( ( ((int)ffff[i] == 0) || ( (int)sub[0] != 0 ) && bad == false) )
sub[1] = rp[0] & 0xff ;
buffer[2] = rand() & 0xff;
for (int o = 0; o<=strlen(badchars); o++)
if ( buffer[2] == badchars[o] )
count = count + 1;
goto start2;
if (count != 0)
bad = false;
memcpy(&rp[0],(unsigned char*)&buffer[2],sizeof(buffer[2]));
bad = true;
count = 0;
if ( ((int)ffff[i] == 0 ) || ((int)sub[1] > (int)rp[0]) && ((int)sub[1] != 0 ) && bad == false )
sub[2] = rp[0] & 0xff ;
if ( (int)ffff[i] == 1 )
sub[3] = sub[0];
else if ( (int)ffff[i+1] == 1 )
sub[3] = (ffff[i]-1) - sub[0];
else if ( (int)ffff[i] == 0 )
sub[3] = sub[0];
else if ( (int)ffff[i+1] == 0 )
sub[3] = (ffff[i]-1) - sub[0];
sub[3] = ffff[i] - sub[0];
if ( ( (int)sub[3] > (int)sub[1] ) )
sub[4] = sub[3] - sub[1];
if ( ((int)sub[4] == (int)sub[2] ) )
if ( (int)ffff[i+1] == 1 )
sub[5] = (ffff[i]-1) - sub[0] - sub[1] - sub[2];
else if ( (int)ffff[i]==1)
sub[5] = 257 - (int)sub[0] - (int)sub[1] - (int)sub[2];
else if ( (int)ffff[i+1] == 0 )
sub[5] = (ffff[i]-1) - sub[0] - sub[1] - sub[2];
else if ( (int)ffff[i]==0 )
sub[5] = 256 - (int)sub[0] - (int)sub[1] - (int)sub[2];
sub[5] = ffff[i] - sub[0] - sub[1] - sub[2];
// long jump encoding
if ( strncmp(argv[1],"-j",2) == 0 )
if ( (int)ffff[i] == 0 )
if( ( (int)sub[2] + (int)sub[1] + (int)sub[0] ) == 255 )
memcpy(&third[i], (unsigned char*)&sub[2], sizeof(sub[2]));
memcpy(&second[i], (unsigned char*)&sub[1], sizeof(sub[1]));
memcpy(&first[i], (unsigned char*)&sub[0], sizeof(sub[0]));
if ( (int)sub[5] == 0 )
memcpy(&third[i] , (unsigned char*)&sub[2], sizeof(sub[2]));
memcpy(&second[i], (unsigned char*)&sub[1], sizeof(sub[1]));
memcpy(&first[i] , (unsigned char*)&sub[0], sizeof(sub[0]));
else if ( strncmp(argv[1],"-j",2) != 0 )
if ( (int)sub[5] == 0 )
memcpy(&third[i] , (unsigned char*)&sub[2], sizeof(sub[2]));
memcpy(&second[i], (unsigned char*)&sub[1], sizeof(sub[1]));
memcpy(&first[i] , (unsigned char*)&sub[0], sizeof(sub[0]));
if ( l==0 )
else if (l==1)
j = 0;
} // while
} // for
char *ptx = hexToStrip(res[k], sizeof(res[k]));
ptx = hexToStrip(res[k], strlen(res[k]));
char *tochar = charTohex(ffff, sizeof(ffff));
char *strip = hexToStrip(tochar, strlen(tochar));
printf("\n\n; Token : %s\n\n",res[k]);
printf("; 0x0 - 0x%.8s = 0x%.8s\n\n",ptx, strip);
printf("%s, 0x%s\n",and, chrstrip );
printf("%s, 0x%s\n",and, chrstrip2 );
char *revres1 = charTohex(first, sizeof(first));
char *revstrip1 = hexToStrip(revres1, strlen(revres1));
printf("sub %s, 0x%s\n",sub_, revstrip1);
char *revres2 = charTohex(second, sizeof(second));
char *revstrip2 = hexToStrip(revres2, strlen(revres2));
printf("sub %s, 0x%s\n",sub_, revstrip2);
char *revres3 = charTohex(third, sizeof(third));
char *revstrip3 = hexToStrip(revres3, strlen(revres3));
printf("sub %s, 0x%s\n",sub_, revstrip3);
if ( shellcode5 != NULL ) memset( shellcode5, '\0', sizeof(shellcode5)*2);
if ( shellcode4 != NULL ) memset( shellcode4, '\0', sizeof(shellcode4)*2);
if ( ffff != NULL ) memset( ffff, '\0', sizeof(ffff)*2);
return 0;