WordPress ScrollReveal.js Effects 1.1.1 Cross Site Scripting

WordPress ScrollReveal.js Effects plugin version 1.1.1 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

SHA-256 | f800608c7b194924e95a7c7384d8c6cfc72b83e0e53783ec418dd1ccd53766ac

# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin ScrollReveal.js Effects - Stored Cross Site Scripting
# Date: 25-04-2022
# Exploit Author: Mariam Tariq - Hunt3rsherlock_
# Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/scrollrevealjs-effects/
# Version: 1.1.1
# Tested on: Firefox
# Contact me: [email protected]
# Vulnerable Code:
<input id="src-opacity" type="text" name="sr_config[vFactor]" value="<?php
echo $options['vFactor']; ?>" placeholder="Element ratio in float" />
1. Install ScrollReveal.js Effects WordPress plugin and activate.
2. Go to configuration and on vFactor field inject XSS payload “><img src=x
3. XSS will trigger.

## PoC Image

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