Vanguard 1.4 Arbitrary File Upload

Vanguard version 1.4 suffers from an arbitrary file upload vulnerability.

MD5 | 9ce2e913fa5e1295e84d50bc0da48c0a

# # # # #
# Exploit Title: Vanguard - Marketplace Digital Products PHP 1.4 - Arbitrary File Upload
# Dork: N/A
# Date: 11.12.2017
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Demo:
# Version: 1.4
# Category: Webapps
# Tested on: WiN7_x64/KaLiLinuX_x64
# CVE: N/A
# # # # #
# Exploit Author: Ihsan Sencan
# Author Web:
# Author Social: @ihsansencan
# # # # #
# Description:
# The vulnerability allows an users upload arbitrary file....
# Vulnerable Source:
# .....................
# $row = $row->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
# $folder_name = $row['id'] * 2;
# $folder_name_2 = $folder_name * 5;
# $check_dir1 = 'uploads/'.$folder_name;
# $check_dir2 = $check_dir.'/'.$folder_name_2;
# if (!is_dir($check_dir1)) { mkdir($check_dir1); }
# if (!is_dir($check_dir2)) { mkdir($check_dir2); }
# $thumbnail_path = $check_dir1."/".basename($_FILES['thumbnail_file']['name']);
# $preview_path = $check_dir1."/".basename($_FILES['preview_file']['name']);
# $main_path = $check_dir2."/".basename($_FILES['main_file']['name']);
# $error = 0;
# $upload_path = './';
# .....................
# Proof of Concept:
# Users Add a new product/Add a product preview...
# http://localhost/[PATH]/
# http://localhost/[PATH]/uploads/[FOLDER_NAME]/[FILE].php
# # # # #

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