Bookeen Notea version BK_R_1.0.5_20210608 suffers from a directory traversal vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Bookeen Notea - Directory Traversal
# Date: December 2021
# Exploit Author: Clement MAILLIOUX
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link: N/A
# Version: BK_R_1.0.5_20210608
# Tested on: Bookeen Notea (Android 8.1)
# CVE : CVE 2021-45783
# The affected version of the Bookeen Notea System Update is prone to directory traversal vulnerability related to its note Export function.
# The vulnerability can be triggered like so :
# - Create a note or use an existing note on the device
# - rename this note ../../../../../../
# - keep touching the note until a menu appears
# - touch to select "export"
# - touch "View"
# Now you can access and explore the device filesystem.